Ram Dass used to be Richard Alpert, associate of Timothy Leary, at Harvard University. They both took up 'research into hallucinogens' in the 1960's and caused a huge scandal and near-revolution for advocating and taking LSD, after which they were both sacked from Harvard and went on various adventures.
Alpert became Ram Dass when he went to India in search of enlightenment. He met his Guru, Neem Karoli Baba, and wrote a very famous spiritual book, called Be Here Now, which was hugely popular in the 1970's. Ram Dass has gone on to become a very influential and popular spiritual teacher.
I only say this because it gives some background to why he would say something like he said. I think without understanding something about his spiritual background it might not make a lot of sense. So it is a spiritual teaching, what he saying. It also might mean (but there is no reason to think this on the basis of what is presented) that there might be a REAL freedom, compared to which the freedom of thinking I AM FREE is, in fact, bondage. That is how I would read it. So as ughaibu observes, this statement in itself, doesn't really say anything about freedom, or anything about anything, really. It is taken completely out of any kind of context. By itself it is about as meaningful as me writing 'Look! Over there!'
So why did I comment? I like Ram Dass and his teaching is worth hearing.