no1author;130664 wrote:A question to the theists:
Who or what was the creator of god?
If you tell me god just existed since ever, ill just say the universe etc. Existed since ever. So please dont use that argument, thanks.
The creator of God came from the poor understanding of nature, and how we became to be. Religion was our first and worst attempt to understand. People thought they needed rituals to make sure the sun came back in the morning. They thought that lighting was being thrown down from the mountains by an immoral man living up there. Along wtih the thought that sickness,and illness was some-form of a plague brought upon us by our sins,and we needed to be thought a lession.
God, to me was made up in order to control a mass amounts of people into living a moral way, is that wrong? No, but I don't think people realize how out-dated religion is. It has gotten to the point that most people who are religious, probably do not follow everything their holy books say. From my understanding, there is a lot in the testaments that if people actually followed what it says, uhm.. well, it wouldn't be comfortable for the ones who do not believe in their God.
Along with another thought that is back in those days,God was speaking to people, and these things were happening. Yet now, if someone was to come around saying he spoke to God, we would consider him insane,lock him away and never listen to a word he said. Why is it that something that is so far in the past is so strong today? If a sickness breaks out, for example swine flu, we do not consider it God's way of teaching us a lession, we know now what causes these out breaks of illness. Along with mental disorders that caused people to believe others were either a witch, or had a demon inside them.
I guess the point I am trying to make is that, religion it self is out dated. Religious people themselves probably don't truly alway understand what they follow. Most of them are just born into it, and from an early age, why would they question what their parents are telling them to do? Our parents are the ones who know all, and show us the way. I'm not putting every religious person in this general idea, but from my experience a lot of them have no idea.
I am only started my research into religion,and the more I read into it, the more mind blowing it is that the ''moral stories'' from ''God'' actually don't cause people to go ''uhm, wait a sec.. What..''.
So, when it comes down to it.. God was created by men. Men came from evolution.
However, someone can come back,and say ''maybe God fit it into his plan of humans to come from evolution.'' Well, then why didn't it happen sooner? The more you go into it, the more questions, the more possibilities of what ifs, and so on.
And this is why I am agnostic. Haha.