@Henrik phil,
I'm quite open when it comes to a political view, although I tend to disagree with ideas more than I agree with ideas.
What frustrates me is Communism. Not because I disagree with the policies, but rather it truly is an ideology. It is something that, no matter how fair and just, can never be achieved, simply because of human nature and greed.
Countries have tried, and some, such as China, continue to do so, but they are also part of the Rat Race. They are trying to keep up, or at least catch up, with the Western world when it comes to industry. Why would communism want to go along with capitalism?
In fact, to the other extreme, dictatorships aren't such a bad idea. Of course, they never seem to have worked in the past, but is that simply because the wrong people are in charge? It required a strong, inspirational, just leader, who, although is in charge of everyone, listens to the people. That may not necessarily be the idea of it, but no one person knows what is best for everyone. The ideology simply asks too much of a single person, no matter how desperate they are to change the world.
Democracy fails completely, as far as I am concerned. It's meant to be the fairest system, hench why the Western world uses it, but everyone's opinions are so strong these days that giving peopel an option just leads to mass division. You also end up with quite a diverse hierachy, which is linked to the capitalism, where everyone wants to be better than everyone else. We are all equal in rights, so why not in everything else?
Still, when it comes to choosing a government, I am not overly bothered as to who gets in, because I know that nobody can change the world for the better, as the majority of people, whether they know it or not, indirectly want to make it worse.