City of Seven Hills: Rome or Jerusalem?

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  3. » City of Seven Hills: Rome or Jerusalem?

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Reply Fri 12 Oct, 2007 01:12 pm
If you refer to Revelations or the Apocalypse there is mention of the destruction of the City of Seven Hills at the end of times. It is also mentioned in the prophecy of the last pope by St Malachy:

St Malachy's Prophecy of the Popes | (bottom of page)

Now throughout most of history Rome has been dubbed the City of Seven Hills but Jerusalem was also built on seven hills and if the end of times are indeed at hand wouldn't Jerusalem be a more obvious symbol of the City of Seven Hills versus Rome due to the turmoil in the Middle East?
Reply Sat 17 Nov, 2007 07:08 am
The question was actually from me but had slight logging in problems so I went through Aristoddler. Doesn't anyone have an opinion? Any quotes from the Bible that could point towards a more specific area? Or is it all just written subject to interpretation?
Didymos Thomas
Reply Wed 21 Nov, 2007 05:49 am
I would suggest that the issue has little, if any, significance - unless, of course, you take Revelations literally. Both cities, especially at the time of the document's creation, were massive cities where the vast difference between the extremely wealthy and extremely poor are easily witnessed.
Reply Wed 21 Nov, 2007 02:35 pm
I might be missing something here, but how is the income gap relevant?

Could you please elaborate?
Didymos Thomas
Reply Thu 22 Nov, 2007 12:33 am
The difference of income would be most apparent in such large cities as Jerusalem and Rome where people of the wealthiest and poorest live in close proximity. The message of Jesus was an overwhelmingly egalitarian one; he often criticizes those of great wealth for being dependant upon their fortunes.
Reply Tue 5 Jan, 2010 06:04 am
Didymos Thomas,

The time is nigh. The city is clear.

The prophecy is about to be closed. You have figured out much. The disparity in the sharing of incomes is one of the pointers. Another pointer is found in the words of Malachy. If you must figure out the city further, in the Revelation, you should consider the mind of the writer; ask yourself . . . "What does the writer think is the 'city on seven hills'?" That search will resolve your question.

It does my heart good to see that there are those who have figured out as much as you have. By that, I mean in reference to your connecting disparity in sharing of resources with acts of the Creator. Ezekiel 16:49 is another indication of this weight upon the Creator.

Someone is going to lose an eye. And soon. The time is the Creator's and the removal of the hands of protection is an act solely of the Creator's. It is soon.

Take care.
Reply Tue 5 Jan, 2010 12:05 pm
Now, if you can tell me about the Beast correctly, then we need to meet and get to Israel.
dan b
Reply Tue 5 Jan, 2010 10:12 pm
The serpent/dragon/devil/satan in the Bible means "survival of the fittest attitude " in people.

The beast means bad law. When the Law Justice is inverted and supports injustice and inequality, like our present day capitalism does, than this is the beast. The Law gives the beast his great power. Paul says "the strength of sin is in the law." 1 Cor.15;56 peace dan b

---------- Post added 01-05-2010 at 08:14 PM ----------

ps. By the way, I've read in an old history book that it had also been said that "Constantinope was the city on seven hills." I just can't now remember which book it was. But it was from hundreds of years ago that much I remember. dan b
Reply Wed 6 Jan, 2010 05:48 am
@dan b,
Consider only the mindset of the writer of Revelation in regards to the city. Constantinople did not exist at the time of the writing of the Revelation. History, in this case, provides the test to make the revelation clear.

The writer of the Revelation was on an island because of persecution from only one power . . . Rome.

Your understanding of serpent/dragon/devil/satan is interesting. These figures did not solidify into a single character until this current culture. There is no consistant presentation in any of the ancient texts on these characters.

In the prophecy of the Revelation from the collection of writings known as the Bible, the Beast is an interesting representation. What amazes me is that you correctly connect and understand what the Beast will do. May I ask; do you understand why it is bad? "Bad", as a description, is very unclear. It is like saying something is "nice". What is "bad" about what "The Beast" is doing?

I can not say much more. "The Beast" is here now. "The Beast" is standing in plain sight.
dan b
Reply Wed 6 Jan, 2010 10:08 pm
The Serpent, the Beast, and the False Prophet.

The Bible mentions three adversaries, the first one in the beginning, the second one in the middle, and the last one at the end. These are three forms of preditory violations that mankind has had to live under untill today.
Today we can see their meanings because we have historical hindsight. The Serpent which led Adam and Eve out of Eden is the Serpent or Dragon that we still have today. It is the "survival of the fittest" attitude in human beings. When we selfishly strive in our primary physical instincts we behave as sepents. Although this form of goverment increases and breeds vitality in whatever species it functions in, life nevertheless becomes a dangerous and dreadful jungle. Whether the serpents government functions in an individual person or collectivly in a civilization, it keeps the strong crawling to the top and the rest of the masses as sacrificial goats. Natures way of natural selection is what the Bible means by "the Serpent."
After about 2000 years of living under natures Serpent government the Tribes of Israel were led across the Jordan River into a millennium of rest. During this time they lived under the "Law of Justice." So long as they kept the Jubilee everything functioned smoothly. But when the Jubilee was dropped the beast was manifest. The Beast is what is known as Bad Government. When the Law serves injustice, inequality and leads people into captivity it is refered to in the bible as "the Beast." Paul tells us that "the strenght of sin is in the Law." 1 Cor.15;16
The False Prophet is the negetive counterpart of the Holy Spirit. About the Holy Spirit it is said " he shall guide you into all truth." Jn.16;13 But unfortunatly the False Prophet also offers attractive teaching to those who don't yearn after righteousness. Today the False Prophet has instilled his avirice through the teaching of false profit. Capitalism has now reduced a third of the world to abject poverty and suffering. But it is legal says the Beast!
The Serpent, the Beast and the False Prophet are simple to understand. But today the spirit of antichrist clouds with illusion encouraging men to debate the Beast as the U.N., or the Roman Church or even the E.U. There is no need to wonder. The Holy Spirit is also here today to answer all our needs. When the Bible mentions the Serpent it means the negative vitality that natural selection brings. When it describes a Beast, his power comes from an inversion of the legal laws of justice. But the False Prophet is the only one that can talk us out of believing in the bible and Jesus Christ.
Reply Thu 7 Jan, 2010 12:08 am
You are so close on most matters, it is quite frightening to me. Yet, you are not the one I am seeking.


You have fallen into the error of idolatry regarding the human writings pulled together to be called the Bible. They are human writings with glimpses of wisdom that all humans must test but they also convey tremendous truths that are also found in the hearts of humankind.

I am looking for a specific answer from someone: Show me the Beast. Explain to me the Beast and then I will know you.

As for the entity of Anti-Christ, it is all around us. It is in the hearts of those who deny the sacrifice of the Creator and it is in the hearts of those who call the Bible the "Word of God". The Word of God is Jesus, and will always be Jesus (reference the first chapter of the good news of John).

The Beast is here. And although the being stands right in front of us all, no one recognizes the being: nor do they recognize the wound: nor do they recognize why the Beast is evil.

I await a one who can explain to me the prophecy of the Beast. There is supposed to be another who knows this information. I am supposed to meet that one. I will know that one because they will tell me that information.
Reply Sun 12 Sep, 2010 12:17 pm
The beast of Revelation is clearly among us, and he is given for the world to worship when they reject God's Christ. Revelation does everything to call out the identity of this man and of the seven-hilled city that promotes his worship. But God has also left a veil over the hearts of those who do not want to accept truth.

A study of Revelation shows the Old Testament identification of many of the symbols, which arguably expressly identify the Anti-Christ that is among us now. But many refuse to accept it.
Reply Mon 13 Sep, 2010 02:54 pm
OKZMR needs to tell us if he's the key-master or the gate-keeper so we know who to google. His postings leave me mystified, because his posts make it seem as if he has insight into divine truth, and yet he's seeking someone who he's hoping will join A2K, and post a prescribed phrase. It would seem logical to me that if you're able to receive divine revelation why not ask for the location of the person you're seeking? Better yet why not just pray to be transported to them?
Reply Sat 6 Apr, 2013 06:32 pm
Reply Wed 26 Jun, 2013 04:04 am
Aristoddler wrote:

If you refer to Revelations or the Apocalypse there is mention of the destruction of the City of Seven Hills at the end of times. It is also mentioned in the prophecy of the last pope by St Malachy:

St Malachy's Prophecy of the Popes | (bottom of page)

Now throughout most of history Rome has been dubbed the City of Seven Hills but Jerusalem was also built on seven hills and if the end of times are indeed at hand wouldn't Jerusalem be a more obvious symbol of the City of Seven Hills versus Rome due to the turmoil in the Middle East?
Xavier Spade
Reply Sun 3 Nov, 2013 01:00 pm
It could certainly be either one, as BOTH are notably built upon seven hills and are at the heart (or CROSS-roads) of a vast amount of politics, controversy, religion, and warfare.
HOWEVER, there IS a 3rd "City of Seven Hills" that rarely (if ever) gets mentioned; and it is hundreds of years older than Rome and remains the de facto capital of a very long-lived and once vastly powerful empire...
Lisbon of Portugal.
Reply Wed 11 Dec, 2013 05:52 pm
REVELATION 6:1 Then I saw when the Lamb broke one of the seven seals, and I heard one of the four living creatures saying as with a voice of thunder, "Come." 2 I looked, and behold, a white horse, and he who sat on it had a bow; and a crown was given to him, and he went out conquering and to conquer.9(The bow is usually interpreted as a weapon of military... I see it as a tool for the one waiting in humility(crown) to receive one's due, to spread the truth with the fire of passion in his heart that sat patiently.4 And another, a red horse, went out; and to him who sat on it, it was granted to take peace from the earth, and that men would slay one another; and a great sword was given to him. (NASU) ...( and this other one, from a different time was allotted to wield the sword of Knowledge, with less patience and love as the first messenger forcing a shock that shatters the egos of the disillusioned. Rev6...I looked, and behold, a black horse; and he who sat on it had a pair of scales in his hand. 6 And I heard something like a voice in the center of the four living creatures saying, "A quart of wheat for a denarius, and three quarts of barley for a denarius; and do not damage the oil and the wine." (NASU)...( The scales which weigh the heart of intentions casting gloom in the hearts made of gain. For Jesus says, it is easier for a camel to pass the eye of a needle than it is for a rich man to enter heaven.
People speak of the end of time, the Apocalypse, the day of judgment as if it were some Jerusalem or Rome. A great war bringing great famine and destruction of an unbearable nature, but this misinterpretation is a sign of all who will actualize the truth of this prophecy upon themselves, because this fear only reveals what so many value as worth losing. So many seem to worry of the consequences after the fact.. "Will I go to Heaven or Hell"? is the driving force of the majority of this earths conscious. It seems the one's who work hard at Christian life, also have this end goal in mind. It is the question of the millennia, of the end time, for all eternity will I go, will he go, will she go?
The Abyss which lives in the depths of ones spirit(psyche) is where the Beast has dwelled for aeons. The law supplanted in the hearts of everyman resonates with Jesus Christ. Jesus is the only way, truth and life. This life he offers is now, not yesterday, or tomorrow. Christ presides in the ever present moment and no doctrine or thought of understanding can grasp his elusive glory. One can choose death, just as the serpent denied would ever happen to Eve; however she took a breath for many centuries, but died to the presence of Christ beside her. Fallacies of Heaven and Hell rewarded by one's own accord are the definition of sin written by the man of yester. To believe anything outside of the present is a lie. Idolatry is the first commandment.
Reply Wed 11 Dec, 2013 06:27 pm
The veil is within one's mind eye where the spiritual battle dwells. The deep depths of your unconscious is where the beast operates and carries out all of his death upon your most beautiful self. Though the death and resurrection of Christ one is freed from the curse of death. Christ offers life.

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  3. » City of Seven Hills: Rome or Jerusalem?
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