Deckard;114601 wrote:This philosophy forum sure does make me realize the need to hit the books. I might have to cut down on philosophy forum so I can do some serious reading.
I can't remember where but I recall poetry being raised above the other art forms because it is the least imitative
and somewhere else music being raised above the others because it is the most abstract of art forms
and somewhere else opera because it brought all the art forms together (today film perhaps).
I would be content to be a visual artist as second rate an art form as that is.
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I believe that "Absolute" in the Hegelian sense is about completeness and perfection? When this Absolute became incarnate (as Jesus) it was, much to everyone's surprise, revealed to be a subversive force. Most expected the Absolute to come as a conquering hero rather than a subversive pariah.
But either way, whether conqueror or subversive, it was assumed that this focal point of the incarnate Absolute would be opposed to the world. This the Superhero Absolute and the Subversive Absolute have in common. Not so different really.
The opposite of both hero and subversive would be the Absolute incarnate coming but having no desire to change anything. But the slacker messiah trope has been done to death elsewhere. And truth be known, if I had my druthers, I'd pick the Subversive Absolute over both the Superhero Absolute and the Slacker Absolute anyway.
I've been reading less, too, since I discovered this forum. On the other hand, I have been writing more. This forces one to clarify one's thoughts.
Spengler liked Music best for Faustian culture, because Faustian culture is about infinite space, which he thought polyphony could suggest.
Movies are today's Wagnerian opera. There is a term for it, the union of all the arts.
I would be a painter too if I could be a Rembrandt or even a John Currin.
Yes, completeness perfection totality. That's how I understand it. I think a slacker messiah lacks telos, except the telos of anti-telos. It's Taoist, isn't it? I have a great translation of the Tao. Is Lebowski a slacker messiah? The Dude?
In a way, subversive Jesus is Any Rand with her mind blown open and the corncob removed from her hindparts. It also struck me as strange that such an egotist would run so fervently into the arms of a replacement absolute. Subversive Jesus doesn't need an absolute. He identifies himself the absolute. Ayn Rand said that reason, of all things, was man's absolute. I come from the Nietzsche/Schopenhauer/ Buddha? attitude of man as desire, as a passion that rationalizes. I feel that Rand mistakes the ape's favorite tool for the ape's essence. Her hatred of religion made it possible for her to fall into the correspondence theory of truth with
religious fervor.
I know this "subversive christ" of mine is idiosyncratic. It's really a fusion of Nietzsche's antichrist with christ. It's the Bryronic hero with a new haircut. Is there something higher for man than the mere rejection of idolatry and the embrace of self-love and subjectivity? I think there is . But this subversive christ is quite a leap from the tar pit of slavish idolatry, even if it's only a stop on the way to something higher...