Hello all.
After several years I have decided to rekindle my love of philosophy by joining this forum. I have also recently taken
my blog in a new direction moving away from technobabble to more philosophical discussion.
I hope to find a lot of interesting topics for conversations here.
You can learn a bit about me
If you don't feel like clicking there, I will summarize:
My name is Bryan Chain, I am a gainfully employed Systems Engineer specializing in enterprise backup and recovery. I am a web designer as a hobby and I also have a love for salt water aquariums. I graduated from Drexel University in Philadelphia with a Bachelors Degree in Computer Engineering and an official minor degree in philosophy.
I recently started a blog as a creative outlet and at first it was mostly techie talk/video game discussion, but it has been taking a trend toward psychological and philosophical topics lately.
I hope to meet some great people here.