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Not everyone can be a philosopher or can choice to be a philosopher for that matter.
If people believe that by choosing their faith and respecting it without fully understanding or regarding it for what it is, is the right thing to do and will lead them to salvation or the belief that they will reach salvation, then that's their right to chose to do so.
t.f. - Not everyone can be a philosopher or can choice to be a philosopher for that matter.
d.t - What do you mean by philosopher? Anyone can love wisdom.
If people believe that by choosing their faith and respecting it without fully understanding or regarding it for what it is, is the right thing to do and will lead them to salvation or the belief that they will reach salvation, then that's their right to chose to do so.
Is this possible? Is this what is best? Why should anyone believe what they do not understand?
Being Saved is not easy in fact it is impossible on our own and only available through our dependance on the Father through Christ.
I tell you the truth not one of us is disqualified from entering heaven so long as he serves God with his whole heart which should show a whole commitment towards him and others.
We live we die on planet earth nothing new under the sun.
If this life is all there is then we have every reason to fear death however if there is real love outside of this life then we should die to protect it.
Then if we did in fact find favor in God through Christ he tells us
As for Christ well he is our Sin Sacrifice our blood atonement of the new covenant to find relationship and right standing with The Father.
Nothing new? Everything is at every instant new. What does not change?
Does God have the habit of creating things he does not favor?
People come and people go. people have died before me and will die after me death is not new under the sun.
Your existence on this planet however valuable you consider it. I for one one know you are very valuable.
One could say that yes.
In response to the OT yes I do believe in Torah and based on those principles we have to sacrifice therefor the Messiah Yashua fulfilled the passage of sin sacrifice by becoming the sacrifice and fulfilled temple ordiance by being the temple.
You should jump in!
Why can't everyone philosophize? Again, this goes back to the initial question: what is a philosopher? Only when we know this can we talk about what philosophers do.
If they love wisdom, then to philosophize is to love wisdom.
An all powerful, all knowing, purely good God makes things he does not approve of? Wouldn't he approve of it if it was good? And if he doesn't approve, then musn't it be something other than good? And if it is something other than good, and God made it, how can we call God good?
Wouldn't he approve of it if it was good? And if he doesn't approve, then musn't it be something other than good?
And if it is something other than good, and God made it, how can we call God good?
Just that, some do not love wisdom, they love the ease of belief.
I think philosophy has to be somewhat systematic, and some people just cannot think tht way.
I don't think it is possible for everyone to love wisdom in the way we do, the same way that I will never love pineapples. We are who we are, and for all that people try to change and shape us, certain things cannot be changed, and should not be changed about a person. We cannot all be Socrates (and I think we are fortunate for that!).
First off what is this Thomas? That must be new!