I do catch your drift, thanks. Also there are many people that do not have any of these religions (athiests or agnostics) who do not murder or steal without being told. I don't think that all christians would murder and steal if the ten commandments were not there. According to the bible, we are living in an age that we are led by God's holy spirit (if a person is a christian). This is sort of like having a conscience. It tells us what is right and what is wrong. Before Jesus was around, the Jews lived very legalistically, following the letter of the law not the intent of the law. I'm probably veering off topic here so I'll get to my next point.
I reread my other post and, you are right it doesn't make a lot of sense. Let me see if I can clarify what I was saying.
"personally, the bible is not truth i know that, because it doesnt make sense, and somethings are unnecessarily stated.
for example "i am the only God...dont worship any other God..." its like what the...?"
A god is something that is worshipped. The God speaking in the bible was telling the israelites (who were surrounded by people of various pagan religions) not to worship the pagan gods (idols). Basically, God was telling the israelites that they should not veer away from their faith. My statement "Just because someone follows it doesn't make it true." is still true, but it was taken out of the intention that I had with it. My brain had more sentences in there than were really there. I intended to say that the israelites see God in the bible as the only true
God. There are other
gods acknowledged by the israelites. They see these only as idols that other people are following. I was trying to make that statement (Just because someone follows it doesn't make it true.) to show that the Israel's God was telling them that he was a true God, and not a pagan god. Just because the pagans are following those idols, does not mean that the idols are true Gods. God doesn't have to worry about the other gods, but he does have to worry about his people turning from him and to these other gods. You are also right when you say "then i can say that "God" might not be true either?" if you attach a "because someone is following him" to the end. That was my statement, which I see now is more true than I first thought.
I find your fact quite humorous. No, I have never stolen a Bible.
Also, does truth always have to make sense? Thanks for the info, and keep the posts coming.