yamamoto;156169 wrote:lets say that we got the right answer... would any animal be able to tell us if we got it right?
how would we verify something like this?
Well we can not positively verify the subjective experience of any other person. We impute that they have similar experience to ourselves on the basis of analogy, observation and language communication.
Since animals do not use language (human language anyway, there is lots of evidence animals do use verbal communication) we have to impute it on the basis of observation and analogy.
There is very little reason based on observation and analogy to think that animals do not have subjective experience similar to our own although it varies in its nature and character from our own. In fact is is difficult to draw a line where mental experience begins or ends in the chain of life.
The notion that only humans have knowledge or subjective experience or an integrated mental picture of their surroundings stems back to the notion that man was a special creation uniquely endowed with a soul and the ability to reason. It is kind of amusing to see that those who reject notions of soul, god, etc. still cling to the notion that only man has knowledge, reason and mind. Evolution requires that mental qualities have slowly evolved over time and should be widespread in nature.