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Do we know that we know? The answer is no.
If those sentences are supposed to constitute an argument (K), which is:
1. In order to know, we have to know we know
2. We do not know we know anything.
Therefore, 3. We do not know anything.
Then that argument is unsound. Since premise 1. is clearly false.
1. In order to know, we have to know we know
Don ` t we have to be justified in knowing what we know.
Sure. A necessary condition of knowledge is justification. But that does not mean, nor imply, that a necessary condition of knowing is knowing that one knows. I can know without even believing that I know, let alone knowing that I know. A child may know that his mother is about to feed him without believing that he knows that his mother is about to feed him.
If those sentences are supposed to constitute an argument (K)...
1. S knows P.
2. S knows "S knows P".
If 1 is true, then 2 is also true.
1 is true. From this, S is justified in believing 1. By justified true belief, 2 is true.
The problem is, induction can only give us probabilities. We always have to hedge our bets and say "maybe" when asked if we know because, while we may know things about the world, if some of our justified beliefs about the world are true, the question posed in the title of this thread is a question of meta-knowledge. Do we know that we know? The answer is no.
If those sentences are supposed to constitute an argument (K), which is:
1. In order to know, we have to know we know
2. We do not know we know anything.
Therefore, 3. We do not know anything.
Then that argument is unsound. Since premise 1. is clearly false.
The problem is, induction can only give us probabilities. We always have to hedge our bets and say "maybe" when asked if we know because, while we may know things about the world, if some of our justified beliefs about the world are true, the question posed in the title of this thread is a question of meta-knowledge. Do we know that we know? The answer is no.
Induction is not probability, because there is no probability measure.
If the sun rise tomorrow, then it rise tomorrow with probability 1, since all our past observation confirms it.
Isn't part of the problem aroused by the question of knowledge that a set of criteria is established that seems to make "knowledge" only applicable to absolutely certain and true statements, and then any statement one can propose falls short of these standards? Doesn't this tell us more about the problematic nature of the definition itself than that of the matter of fact used as an example?
What would happen if we realised that the conception of knowledge is replete with nuances and special rules to be applied in different situations, and the problem was really when to correctly apply these rules?
To respond honestly to the question posed in the title of this thread in the affirmative, one needs to be able to respond in the affirmative to at least one question of the type "Do you know that X?" where X is a proposition about the state of the world.
we may know things about the world, if some of our justified beliefs about the world are true, the question posed in the title of this thread is a question of meta-knowledge. Do we know that we know? The answer is no.
Okay, I'll assume that you've asked me "do you know that you're replying to my thread?", and I respond honestly in the affirmative, therefore, according to the portion of your post which I've quoted, I know something about the world.You seem to have JTB in mind, as your model of knowledge. I have JTB about the proposition that I'm replying to your thread, and I have JTB about my JTB mentioned above, therefore, under a JTB model I have knowledge that I know at least one proposition. So, the answer seems to me to be "yes".
I would challenge you to provide the justification (J) that you are not dreaming.
Had I been dreaming I wouldn't have posted the reply which prompted your challenge. If your challenge exists, then I wasn't dreaming, and if I was dreaming, then your challenge doesn't exist, so I can safely ignore it.
If you cannot know (with proper justification) that all known propositions which would contradict your current proposition are false, then you do not have knowledge.
The argument is then straight forward:
1) any conjecture which, if true, would invalidate my claim to know that I know that I'm replying to this thread, would also invalidate my claim to know that I'm replying to this thread
2) I know that I'm replying to this thread
3) therefore I'm justified in rejecting, as false, all conjectures which, if true, would invalidate my claim to know that I know that I'm replying to this thread.
Accepting premise 1) implies an internalist account of knowledge. Any externalist will reject that immediately. Well, actually, I suppose it depends upon your use of the personal pronoun. Are your personal pronouns interchangeable with other, non-personal nouns?
Ultimately though, I'm not understanding how premise 2) is supported. I feel as though I must be missing some implied premises, or simply not reading it correctly, because I feel like your argument is still circular.
Under the JTB theory of knowledge, premise 2) of course could be interjected with:
a.) It is true that you are replying to this thread (a)
b.) You believe you are replying to this thread, (b) and
c.) You are justified in believing you are replying to this thread. (c)
The Closure Principle is not restricted to internalist accounts of knowledge, and thus still applies even when you're talking about knowledge of p (as opposed to knowledge of knowledge of p).
To say "It is true that you are replying to this thread" (a), you necessarily entail (~q) [q being, as you put it, any one of an infinite number of propositions which would contradict (a); in my example, a dream]. Then to make the claim that (a) is also to make the claim that (~q).
The difference is subtle, yet significant. I am not asking how you know that you know, but rather, I am asking support for the first premise. This is the justification for your belief in (a), and not simply the truth-value of a. By nature of the closure principle, to be justified in believing any statement at all, you must reject any other statement which would contradict your believed statement. This is according to Aristotle's principle of non-contradiction.
Basically, I'm questioning whether or not you can make the statement you make in your second premise - You know that you're replying to this thread. Where is the support for this statement, without resorting back to circular reasoning?
I have a feeling you are on the brink of modal logic, as you are coming close to denying the closure principle all together (infinite possible conjunctures, etc.). Is this where you are going?
As far as I can tell, you are objecting to my assertion that I know that I'm replying to this thread (my premise 2), and this is what I point to with my premise 1, that any objection to me knowing that I know that I'm replying to this thread can be reduced to an objection to me knowing that I'm replying to this thread. But the opening post presents my first order knowledge as a given, and your initial objection was that I need justification for my second order knowledge. This justification is provided by my argument and assuming JTB, as we are, this adds up to the case that if I know that I'm replying to this thread, then I can know that I know that I'm replying to this thread.