HexHammer;132773 wrote:?
Thought ballistic evidence proved beyond reasonable doubt, that Oswald could never pulled off that murder.
1) the amount of shots in that short amount of time.
2) ballistics clearly shows that entry and exit wounds are from different angels not correnspondend with his elevated position.
3) a poor quality rifle couldn't have done the deed.
4) Oswald himself wasn't such skilled shooter.
HexHammer;133958 wrote:Usually Dicovery Channel shows programs that are con and pro a major issue.
Unfortunaly the quality of the programs isn't always of high quality, nor very sientific.
With your "

" in your initial post, I thought you were joking, but you appear to be serious. You might want to look above, at
post 7. There is little doubt that Oswald shot Kennedy. Why he did it, and whether anyone helped him prepare, are other matters, but there is no evidence that anyone else shot Kennedy. But, of course, those who are determined to believe in conspiracy theories are generally quite willing to ignore evidence, and to twist other evidence to fit with their imagination.