I suppose I could make the argument that kennethamy's intent in starting this thread was to instigate a heated debate about WMD's and the invasion of Iraq.
If I were to state my argument, it would go like this:
1) Donald Rumsfeld was one of the architects of the war in Iraq.
2) Donald Rumsfeld made the statement that "absence of evidence
is not evidence of absence," in respect to the search for WMD's
in Iraq.
3) Some people on this forum are opposed to the war in Iraq, and believe
that the invasion was launched under false pretexts, and would immediately
focus on this aspect of the original post.
4) Kennethamy is aware of 1, 2, and 3.
5) Kennethamy originated this thread by quoting Donald Rumsfeld.
6) Therefore, kennethamy purposely quoted Donald Rumsfeld with
the intention of stirring up controversy.
A similar argument could be put forth that kennethamy wanted to start a heated and controversial thread debating the existence or non-existence of God.
Though my premises are most likely true( although 4 may be debatable), I have reached my conclusion through inference rather than by what logically follows, or deduction. I could say that my conclusion is logically possible, but that does not mean that the intent exists, or that my statement is true.
But, then again, perhaps kennethamy just felt that Rumsfeld's statement was an interesting exercise in logic, and was curious as to what other forum members would make of it. That is, the evidence of an intent to create controversy, which I am supposing in my premises, does not prove any actual intent.
Even asking kennethamy what his intention was would not necessarily bring out any sort of truth, as he could lie about his intent for a number of reasons. Do I have any evidence of this? Nope, but the absence of evidence (that kennethamy would tell a lie) is not evidence of the absence of his ability to tell a lie.
There is, however, overwhelming evidence that I don't know what the heck I'm talking about and am just rambling on brainlessly at this point, but I'm going to post these thoughts anyway because if I'm way off base in my thoughts I'd like to be shown the correct path to the base.