Knowledge of the 'External' World

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Reply Thu 19 Nov, 2009 06:08 pm
BrightNoon;104517 wrote:

Because I cannot prove that such a world exists, in the same way that I can prove that my own experience exists. Therefore, that it exists is an assumption. Again, not an unfounded assumption, but still an assumption. A similiar assumption would be that the sun will rise tommorow. I have every reason to believe it will, but it is an assumption. I cannot know for a fact that it will come up tommorow. And remember, this is epistemology, so that distinction, between proved fact and assumption, makes a difference.

But why should your standard of proof be that your own experience exists? (Indeed, and this is a different issue, I don't think that we can prove that our own experience exists. Just how would we go about doing that?) .
Reply Thu 19 Nov, 2009 06:08 pm
Meditaciones del Quixote ("Meditations on Quixote") in 1914: "I am I and my circumstance . . .," where as he later explains that the first "I" represents "my life" and the second "I" the "I" we have mentioned above. Thus, a fuller statement of the formula is "My life consist of I and my circumstance," which appears in later works.

Now it is my opinion that instead of the word that Ortega uses in Spanish "circumstancia," which straitforwardly translates as "circumstance," he could have used "environment," if there were an equivalent word to it in Spanish. He variously refers to "circunstancia" as "lo que nos rodea," ("that which is around us"), "contorno" ("surroundings"), "ambiente" ("ambience"). and even "environs," which is the French equivalent of "environment." What is interesting is that in English translations of his work, in many of the places where he uses the word "circumstancia" in Spanish, the translator uses the word "environment" instead. Being an environmentalist, as well as an amateur philosopher, I would like to think that Ortega would agree with this interpretation of what he meant by "circunstancia."

If we look at the passages where he explains in detail what he means by "circumstancia," he sometimes enumerates what is included in that concept. Included are what he generally calls "cosas," "things": "chairs," "mountains," "trees," "animals," "books," "other people," but also, "ideas," "emotions," "dreams," and even "hallucinations," which have been mentioned in previous postings to this thread. Thus, at one poin the says that "circumstancia" is anything "Other" than "I".

Now this model of reality resolves the question of "outside" and "inside" in this way: "My circumstance" is everything "outside" of "I," and both "I" and "my circumstance" are "inside" the "radical reality" that is "my life." An interesting corollary would be that "I" am "outside" "my circumstance." We could also use the words "external" and "internal" in a similar fashion.

In terms of the original posting, then "external reality" would be equivalent to that part of the "radical reality" that is "my life" called "my circumstance," including the so-called "physical phenomena" that "occur" to the "I" or "me," as well as so-called "mental phenomena," that also "occur" to the "I' or "me." In other words, all "phenomena" that occur to "me" are "outside" "me," but both the "phenomena" and the "I" are "inside" the "radical reality" called "my life."

And the word "experience," takes on new meaning that is actually an "old" meaning. "Ex-peri-ence" comes from the Latin "experientia" with the roots "ex-" ("outside"), "peri-" ("around") and -ente ("being"), that is "being around outside," which is the same thing as "circum-stance," from the Latin "circumstantia," with the roots "circum-" (around) and "stantia" ("standing"), thus "standing around."

One of Ortega's goals was to create the equivalent of a "physics of human life." His model constitutes what we might call the "statics of human life." A sympathetic interpreter of Ortega's model says that the word "circumstance" should be replaced by the word "circumdynamics," because Ortega says that both "I" and "my circumstance" are always changing.

Now the so-called "external world," interpreted as what is "behind," "outside," "the cause of," the "physical phenomena" that "occur" to us, is a "concept," that is, it is an "experience" of a so-called "mental phenomenon" that is not the same thing as our direct "experience" of the "physical phenomena," but rather a "thought," or "idea" that is also an "experience" that may "occur" to us at the same time or subsequent to our "experience" of the "physical phenomena," because we have learned to associate the two. And this in turn is due to the fact that at some time in the past it had "occurred" to some person to make the association and it has subsequently been adopted by most people, but especially "physicists," as the "interpretation" of the "physical phenomena" that "occur" to them.

And this "idea" of an "external world" "behind," or "the cause of" the "physical phenomena" that "occur" to "us" has become so ingrained in our discourse that for many people the idea "occurs" to them almost automatically at the same time that the "physical phenomena" occur to them, so that it becomes part of what they believe of as "physical reality."

I hope this presentation is useful to you in understanding the concepts of "inside " and "outside" as discussed in this thread.

Reply Thu 19 Nov, 2009 06:16 pm
hue-man;104546 wrote:
Indeed it is true that we cannot know the external world outside of our experience because it takes experience to know things. From my understanding, the external world is that which exists independent of our experience. .

But that would be like arguing that we cannot know there is fire outside our observation of there being smoke. We know that where there is fire, there is generally smoke, so when we observe smoke, we infer that that there is a fire. Our experience of the visible allows us to know about the invisible. For instance, we cannot observe electrons, but we can observe their effects, and therefore we infer from their effects to their cause. Namely,electrons.
Reply Thu 19 Nov, 2009 06:58 pm
kennethamy;104559 wrote:
But that would be like arguing that we cannot know there is fire outside our observation of there being smoke. We know that where there is fire, there is generally smoke, so when we observe smoke, we infer that that there is a fire. Our experience of the visible allows us to know about the invisible. For instance, we cannot observe electrons, but we can observe their effects, and therefore we infer from their effects to their cause. Namely,electrons.

I agree with you. I wasn't arguing the contrary. I just said that we cannot know something outside of our experience because it takes experience to know something. I wasn't saying that the 'external world' is dependent on our experience or that we cannot know that the external world exists independently of our experience.
Reply Thu 19 Nov, 2009 08:23 pm
Just because something seems harder or more intangible or, in another way, very different from our bodies does not follow that this something is extraneous to us.. We and our environment are integrated and of one creation and our bodies and the environment of our bodies are integrated and of one creation. The entire thing is of homogeneity and tautological inference, we explain things in terms of themselves, its all self-created and self-expressed in terms of itself, because its all integrated, including our 'external' environment, its just a matter of perception and paradigmic accumulation.

When we discover something 'new' we are discovering another part of ourselves, we become aware of ourselves, progressively faster. We self-create our environment to fulfill our unique and individual needs through our will. And where there is a will there is a way, from purpose to decay, a will and away.

The environment is our food that we have self-created for our own self-consumption in order to self-learn and self-progress towards complete absolute self-awareness of everything we are not yet aware of. Hints the purpose of the 'external' environment as we may choose to view it - it seems and feels separated. We are to feel separated, but we are not. We voluntary invoke our unique realities in order to create opposition, conflict, and a means to an end. Time and history are the expression of our unawareness of this entire absolute concept of integrated everything. But it is by this act of opposition, of feeling separated, that we learn that we are not separated. Just as you continue to learn and become aware more and more by opposition this very moment - all is a double sided paradoxical expression that only reinforces other areas of itself, and of tautological awareness. Just as the concept of light not only invokes but requires the concept of dark to be fully understood.. Integration involves separation. What better than the human experience?

Awareness unfolds over time, that is to say, unawareness dissolves over time and awareness of our absolute integrated nature becomes more apparent over time as we self-create everything. Eventually all is consumed and converted, and very literally becomes us as we become more and more aware of ourselves through quality absorption and the release of energy from mass. We consume quality as we release energy from mass and from our environment through conflict, from a potential state, to a kinetic state, and it in turn decays, cohesion is lost in our finite realm, but we absorb it in our infinite realm and it becomes us, very literally.

Awareness increases exponentially faster, the environment decays exponentially faster. We have discovered/developed most of our creations in the past 200 years, we have changed our environment the most in the past 200 years. Our inventions to release energy from mass, have become increasingly powerful and in turn harmful to us and our environment. This relationship reflects the entire process, of entropy, of consumption, of metamorphosis, and of converting the many separated finite forms into one, singular, infinite form of timeless, seamless, awareness.

To create is to destroy.

Again, this process, whereby the qualities of mass that make up our environment become the qualities of monadic consumption and in turn apart of us, is the process of metamorphosis. From a finite and physical standpoint, to a infinite state of complete awareness. We have accumulated enough data to now understand a little bit more about ourselves, somewhat anyway, thanks to our records, and creations, and notably their exponential increase throughout the course of time as well as the environments exponential decrease over time.
Reply Thu 19 Nov, 2009 10:00 pm
kennethamy;104554 wrote:
But why should your standard of proof be that your own experience exists? (Indeed, and this is a different issue, I don't think that we can prove that our own experience exists. Just how would we go about doing that?) .

Perhaps 'prove' isn't the right word. As we all know, there is no absolutely sound logical proof; all such proofs rest on some given information or premise which must be assumed to be true for the argument which follows from it to be true. So no, I can in this sense of the word not prove that my own experience exists, no more than I can prove any other statement. However, I consider the existence of my own experience to be self-evident. Whatever it is which is occuring for me at the moment, which I choose to call 'experience,' is indeed occuring. It is a fact. Whereas, the existence of something which I have never and cannot, by definition, experience, is not a fact in the same way. It may or may not be the case. It is assumed to exist.

longknowledge;104555 wrote:
Meditaciones del Quixote ("Meditations on Quixote") in 1914: "I am I and my circumstance . . .," where as he later explains that the first "I" represents "my life" and the second "I" the "I" we have mentioned above. Thus, a fuller statement of the formula is "My life consist of I and my circumstance," which appears in later works.

Now it is my opinion that instead of the word that Ortega uses in Spanish "circumstancia," which straitforwardly translates as "circumstance," he could have used "environment," if there were an equivalent word to it in Spanish. He variously refers to "circunstancia" as "lo que nos rodea," ("that which is around us"), "contorno" ("surroundings"), "ambiente" ("ambience"). and even "environs," which is the French equivalent of "environment." What is interesting is that in English translations of his work, in many of the places where he uses the word "circumstancia" in Spanish, the translator uses the word "environment" instead. Being an environmentalist, as well as an amateur philosopher, I would like to think that Ortega would agree with this interpretation of what he meant by "circunstancia."

If we look at the passages where he explains in detail what he means by "circumstancia," he sometimes enumerates what is included in that concept. Included are what he generally calls "cosas," "things": "chairs," "mountains," "trees," "animals," "books," "other people," but also, "ideas," "emotions," "dreams," and even "hallucinations," which have been mentioned in previous postings to this thread. Thus, at one poin the says that "circumstancia" is anything "Other" than "I".

Now this model of reality resolves the question of "outside" and "inside" in this way: "My circumstance" is everything "outside" of "I," and both "I" and "my circumstance" are "inside" the "radical reality" that is "my life." An interesting corollary would be that "I" am "outside" "my circumstance." We could also use the words "external" and "internal" in a similar fashion.

In terms of the original posting, then "external reality" would be equivalent to that part of the "radical reality" that is "my life" called "my circumstance," including the so-called "physical phenomena" that "occur" to the "I" or "me," as well as so-called "mental phenomena," that also "occur" to the "I' or "me." In other words, all "phenomena" that occur to "me" are "outside" "me," but both the "phenomena" and the "I" are "inside" the "radical reality" called "my life."

And the word "experience," takes on new meaning that is actually an "old" meaning. "Ex-peri-ence" comes from the Latin "experientia" with the roots "ex-" ("outside"), "peri-" ("around") and -ente ("being"), that is "being around outside," which is the same thing as "circum-stance," from the Latin "circumstantia," with the roots "circum-" (around) and "stantia" ("standing"), thus "standing around."

One of Ortega's goals was to create the equivalent of a "physics of human life." His model constitutes what we might call the "statics of human life." A sympathetic interpreter of Ortega's model says that the word "circumstance" should be replaced by the word "circumdynamics," because Ortega says that both "I" and "my circumstance" are always changing.

Now the so-called "external world," interpreted as what is "behind," "outside," "the cause of," the "physical phenomena" that "occur" to us, is a "concept," that is, it is an "experience" of a so-called "mental phenomenon" that is not the same thing as our direct "experience" of the "physical phenomena," but rather a "thought," or "idea" that is also an "experience" that may "occur" to us at the same time or subsequent to our "experience" of the "physical phenomena," because we have learned to associate the two. And this in turn is due to the fact that at some time in the past it had "occurred" to some person to make the association and it has subsequently been adopted by most people, but especially "physicists," as the "interpretation" of the "physical phenomena" that "occur" to them.

And this "idea" of an "external world" "behind," or "the cause of" the "physical phenomena" that "occur" to "us" has become so ingrained in our discourse that for many people the idea "occurs" to them almost automatically at the same time that the "physical phenomena" occur to them, so that it becomes part of what they believe of as "physical reality."

I hope this presentation is useful to you in understanding the concepts of "inside " and "outside" as discussed in this thread.


I've never read Ortega's work, but it sounds to me like I'm very much in agreement with his basic concept, differing only in the terminology. I'll have to hold off on commenting in detail though until I read some Ortega myself. Thanks for the post.
Reply Fri 20 Nov, 2009 12:02 am
BrightNoon;104591 wrote:
I've never read Ortega's work, but it sounds to me like I'm very much in agreement with his basic concept, differing only in the terminology. I'll have to hold off on commenting in detail though until I read some Ortega myself. Thanks for the post.

You might want to start with his Some Lessons in Metaphysics, which consists of lectures that he gave his students in 1932-33 at the University of Madrid. I think you'll like his style of teaching as well as the substance of his presentation.


"Some Lessons in Metaphysics, a transcript of the course which Ortega gave when he occupied the Chair of Metaphysics at the University of Madrid in 1932-33, is both academic and informal, a specialized study of the traditional knotty problem of things and essences, realism and idealism, ideas and beliefs, built up around the key concept of Circumstantia: ""I am myself plus my circumstances. . . the surrounding reality forms the other half of my person. . . . The things are not I, nor am I the things. We are mutually transcendent, but we are both imminent in that absolute coexistence which is life."" Life, its value, was in process, in becoming, not in being--this was Ortega's departure from tradition, a radical break which, as he developed it, seemed so dynamic an enterprise in the decades before World War II." (Kirkus Reviews)
Reply Fri 20 Nov, 2009 07:47 am
BrightNoon;104591 wrote:
Perhaps 'prove' isn't the right word. As we all know, there is no absolutely sound logical proof; all such proofs rest on some given information or premise which must be assumed to be true for the argument which follows from it to be true. So no, I can in this sense of the word not prove that my own experience exists, no more than I can prove any other statement. However, I consider the existence of my own experience to be self-evident. Whatever it is which is occuring for me at the moment, which I choose to call 'experience,' is indeed occuring. It is a fact. Whereas, the existence of something which I have never and cannot, by definition, experience, is not a fact in the same way. It may or may not be the case. It is assumed to exist.

I don't know there is "no absolutely sound logical proof". Maybe because I don't really know what it is you are denying there is. Logic books define "sound argument" as an argument which is valid, and all of whose premises are true. So, the following would be a good example of a sound argument.

1. All numbers divisible by 2 are even numbers.
2. 6 is divisible by 2.

Therefore, 3. 6 is an even number.

All the premises of the above argument are true. The argument is valid (the conclusion follows from the premises). Therefore the argument is sound (and since all sound argument have true conclusions, the conclusion (3) is true).

As for "experience", I suppose you mean what some call "subjective experiences". But, they are not all self-evident. Suppose I am asked whether I have ever had the experience of having a migraiine headache. It may be that since I am not sure what a migraine headache is, I am not sure whether I have had a migraine. Or, maybe I have had a bad headache, but I am not sure whether it is a migraine, since it lacks some characteristics of a migraine, although it also has some of them too.
Reply Fri 20 Nov, 2009 11:35 am
kennethamy;104628 wrote:
I don't know there is "no absolutely sound logical proof". Maybe because I don't really know what it is you are denying there is. Logic books define "sound argument" as an argument which is valid, and all of whose premises are true.

Exactly. How do we know that the premises for any given argument are true? Either we assume they are true And or we demand proof of their veracity. And then the argument which proves them to be true in turn must have some premises, which in turn must either be assumed to be true, or proven by yet another argument, and so on ad infinitum. My point is simply that any logical argument is only valid insofar as its premises are valid, and ultimately all premises rest on assumptions, or there is an infinte chain of reasoning and the argument never ends. Therefore, it is impossible to prove any statement without making assumptions. Regarding my thoughts on experience; this means that I cannot prove through some logical argument that 'my experience exists' without making assumptions, but this is not evidence against the truth of that statement, because all statements requires assumptions to be made in order for them to be proven.

My method is simply to begin my argument, my entire system in fact, with the premise that there exist facts of experience, i.e. my experience. I don't see how that's doubtful. If some experience is occuring, then indeed it is occuring. I am simplhy unable to consider this as an assumption myself, so self-evident does it seem, but if anyone likes to question whether or not their own experiences as such in fact exist as experiences, that's fine. If so, then my system is not for them. But if you accept this premise, then the rest of my arguments (I hope) follow.

As for "experience", I suppose you mean what some call "subjective experiences". But, they are not all self-evident. Suppose I am asked whether I have ever had the experience of having a migraiine headache. It may be that since I am not sure what a migraine headache is, I am not sure whether I have had a migraine.

That is a matter of language. If you one day had what is commonly called a 'migraine headache,' but let's say you decided to call it a 'burlap sack,' the same thing has occured. It makes no difference. If I say 'have you had a migraine today?' and you say ' No, I've had a burlap sack,' we are referring to the same thing. I am arguing only that the experiences themselves do in fact occur, without doubt from the person having them. Whatever it's called, the experience in question is occuring.

Or, maybe I have had a bad headache, but I am not sure whether it is a migraine, since it lacks some characteristics of a migraine, although it also has some of them too.

Again the act of placing X or Y experience in a category, giving it a name, relating it to others, judging its value, etc. have no effect on the experience as such when it occured. There is the experience, regardless of the rest. In other words, the identity of the experience is not dependent on anything other than the experience per se. The experience which is commonly called 'migraine headache' does not need to be called 'migraine headache' in order to be the experience that it is.
Reply Fri 20 Nov, 2009 06:44 pm
BrightNoon;104669 wrote:
Exactly. How do we know that the premises for any given argument are true? Either we assume they are true And or we demand proof of their veracity. And then the argument which proves them to be true in turn must have some premises, which in turn must either be assumed to be true, or proven by yet another argument, and so on ad infinitum. My point is simply that any logical argument is only valid insofar as its premises are valid, and ultimately all premises rest on assumptions, or there is an infinte chain of reasoning and the argument never ends. Therefore, it is impossible to prove any statement without making assumptions. Regarding my thoughts on experience; this means that I cannot prove through some logical argument that 'my experience exists' without making assumptions, but this is not evidence against the truth of that statement, because all statements requires assumptions to be made in order for them to be proven.

My method is simply to begin my argument, my entire system in fact, with the premise that there exist facts of experience, i.e. my experience. I don't see how that's doubtful. If some experience is occuring, then indeed it is occuring. I am simplhy unable to consider this as an assumption myself, so self-evident does it seem, but if anyone likes to question whether or not their own experiences as such in fact exist as experiences, that's fine. If so, then my system is not for them. But if you accept this premise, then the rest of my arguments (I hope) follow.

That is a matter of language. If you one day had what is commonly called a 'migraine headache,' but let's say you decided to call it a 'burlap sack,' the same thing has occured. It makes no difference. If I say 'have you had a migraine today?' and you say ' No, I've had a burlap sack,' we are referring to the same thing. I am arguing only that the experiences themselves do in fact occur, without doubt from the person having them. Whatever it's called, the experience in question is occuring.

Again the act of placing X or Y experience in a category, giving it a name, relating it to others, judging its value, etc. have no effect on the experience as such when it occured. There is the experience, regardless of the rest. In other words, the identity of the experience is not dependent on anything other than the experience per se. The experience which is commonly called 'migraine headache' does not need to be called 'migraine headache' in order to be the experience that it is.

First, we do not have to know that the premises are true for them to be true. And, we do not have to know that an argument is sound for it to be sound. Second, I do know that it is true, for example, that if a number is divisible by 2, then it is an even number (and so do you) and I do know that 6 is divisible by 2 (and so do you) if it makes any difference.

It is not a matter of calling the headache a migraine. It is a matter of what kind of headache it is. Abraham Lincoln (so the story goes) once asked his son, Tod, "If a dog's tail were called a "leg", how many legs would a dog have? Tod promptly replied, "Five legs. The four legs and the tail". And Lincoln replies, "No, you are wrong. Calling a dog's leg a tail does not make it a tail". And, of course, calling a headache a migraine does not make it a migraine.

If the experience of a migraine headache is not the experience of a migraine headache, then what is it an experience of?
Don't confuse the word with the thing. There were migraine headaches (I suppose) before they were called "migraine headaches". Don't you believe so?

(You are certainly consistent. You are a linguistic idealist, just as you are an epistemological idealist).

And, I certainly agree that if there is an experience, then there is an experience. It would be difficult to deny that, since it is a logical truth. For any X, if X then X. But what is supposed to follow from that?
Reply Fri 20 Nov, 2009 07:09 pm
BrightNoon;104669 wrote:
[...]My point is simply that any logical argument is only valid insofar as its premises are valid, and ultimately all premises rest on assumptions, or there is an infinte chain of reasoning and the argument never ends.

Welcome to the regress argument. Smile

What do you mean "logical argument"? Are there any other?

It is a category error to say that "premises are valid". And if you mean "true", then you are wrong. Arguments can be valid without the premises are true. To get a true interpretation of your words, I would need to interpret the first "valid" as sound and the second "valid" as true.

BrightNoon;104669 wrote:
Therefore, it is impossible to prove any statement without making assumptions.

This does not follow from what you wrote before.

I suggest you to keep to standard logical terminology if you want to be understood without a too high risk of interpretation failure. The more I have to guess at what you mean, the more likely it is that I will make a wrong guess and thus straw man you. This is a general point. Stick to standard terminology if possible.
Reply Fri 20 Nov, 2009 08:11 pm
Standard terminology.. The musician, the guitarist specifically, is defined by the notes he tunes his instrument to, why tune to traditional standard tunings, they all sound the same, generate the same chords and patterns, in turn, the same music.. Every text (and proposition and each statement for that matter) is in a sense a literary rorschach blot as each and every text is always left free to play out its significance in the minds of different readers. 'Il n'y a pas de hors-texte' - that is to say there is no outside of text.. The knowledge of meaning pertains to language and not to anything empirically objective or independent. Conversions among languages throughout our history, have inevitably created their own unique stories out of the older untranslated versions, as it is a paradigm that a language is derived from and there is utterly no way for one language to translate into another, as each paradigm that has formed each language is unique and ultimately attached to that language it forms. Thus, those of different paradigms, share no common language and have no common viewpoint and neither can understand the point of view of the other..

As such, these linguistic patterns themselves have an influence on what individuals perceive, and how they think and act, let alone observe and the quality they may absorb - Language influences the perception of direct natural experience and also creates non-perceptual categories that influence our world views. So therefore there are no rational standards for the comparison of paradigms as each paradigm contains its own standards simply because a new paradigm brings its own totally new rationality, like a key, they unlock a reality, a form of perception which was ultimately developed around survival needs. Instead of conceiving of notational networks as being a mediator between stimulus and response, we should conceive of notational networks as a complete total reality which initiates its own stimuli and responses, as a true aspirant learns to travel through these realities collecting and absorbing the unique quality that each paradigm, each artifact, can unlock, in turn grasping the single canvas of individual paintings. We are all surrounded by quality, yet one can be unaware of it, due to a pattern of approach.

Ultimately sense experience really cannot give us any certainty what so ever.. and in turn reasoning based on experience cannot give us any certainty what so ever.. Reasoning only takes us from premises to conclusions and until we have certain premises no certain conclusions can eventuate. We tend to be caught up in the frameworks of our theories, or others, due to linguistic patterns and paradigm inherited at early ages and we often and eventually find ourselves using the others interpreted form of logic to argue and view the world around us. In turn we can only escape by being converted to another paradigm, in which case we then tend to be likewise captive.. A sound and well applied system of logic may minimize untruth but in itself it is not truth, and like geometry it is a system of utter convenience. As such, in logic there are no morals and everyone is at liberty to build up his own, that is to say his own form of language, and as he wishes.

We have all ordered (or been ordered) ourselves with mental programs and gestalts, of which we may better cope with the environment in the name of physical survival, some of which limit our true sovereign and creative intent as individuals. These patterns are developed at a early age, when 'anything goes'. Our preconceptions and older programs tend to limit our creative thinking and as creativity is humanity, we are in turn limiting ourselves to a single view of propositions and access to quality. We, as a self-created species should elevate ourselves as instrumentalists and regard theories and the many forms of logic as tools which are either effective, or not effective, but not truth or means of proof. Instead of attempting to achieve proof, which is of chimera, we should factor in all forms of logic in such a way that it funds a network of tools which aids our creative thinking processes but not in a search to provide proof, as proof, and truth, are unique to each of our experiences and needs. A Instrumentalist regards theory as neither true nor false, but merely as a instrument for prediction of our creative nature. Where will we go? What will we create today? Tomorrow? Effective or ineffective towards creative progress and in turn absolute awareness.
Reply Fri 20 Nov, 2009 08:31 pm
I suppose the above is an example of how to do 'continental philosophy'.
Reply Sat 21 Nov, 2009 01:29 am
Emil;104766 wrote:
I suppose the above is an example of how to do 'continental philosophy'.

Or something. ...............
Reply Sat 21 Nov, 2009 06:16 pm
As philosophy includes all aspects of existence, it is the intent of our posts to include all aspects of proposition. A multiparadigmic view is much more effective in viewing the absolute whole than a single one. As Cantor and Bolanzo pointed out, the infinite whole is present within each of its parts, and as such a view of all inclusive integration of proposition is the approach our posts provide, nothing is excluded, and all areas of mankind's creativity are thus included, all is qualitative. Like a football match, one camera makes a very dim, unexciting and limited view, why use one camera when we can use 500? As all knowledge pertains to proposition, a network of tools encompassing all proposition is much more effective at viewing our entire situation as a whole where as a single view is only effective at viewing a single part of that whole. It is wrong to say that finite and syllogistic thinking is useless, all is qualitative, and all areas should be included in our approach now. Existence is composed of both finite and infinite magnitudes, that which is known is internalized (infinite), that which is not known is externalized (finite). Therefore, we should include every view, as every view is necessary to see the entire picture, and thus internalize the entire picture.
Reply Sat 21 Nov, 2009 07:23 pm
I think we've all just been propositioned!
Reply Mon 23 Nov, 2009 08:21 pm
kennethamy;104749 wrote:
First, we do not have to know that the premises are true for them to be true.

Correct, but we do have to know that the premises are true in order to know that they are true, and therefore in order to know that the argument that rests upon them is true.

And, we do not have to know that an argument is sound for it to be sound.

Correct again. But for the argument to be considered sound, for it to be persuasive, it must be known to be true, which means that its premises must be known to be true.

Second, I do know that it is true, for example, that if a number is divisible by 2, then it is an even number (and so do you) and I do know that 6 is divisible by 2 (and so do you) if it makes any difference.

A mathematical argument rests on premises just as a verbal/logical argument. The argument '2 + 2 = 4' is no more intrinsically true than the argument 'mutton is tasty.' The former is only true because of its premises, which is to say that it is only true because it exists within a logical system that defines the terms such that the argument must be true. I will say again, no argument, of whatever kind, can be demonstrated to be absolutely true, but rather only true to the extent that its premises are assumed to be true.

It is not a matter of calling the headache a migraine. It is a matter of what kind of headache it is. Abraham Lincoln (so the story goes) once asked his son, Tod, "If a dog's tail were called a "leg", how many legs would a dog have? Tod promptly replied, "Five legs. The four legs and the tail". And Lincoln replies, "No, you are wrong. Calling a dog's leg a tail does not make it a tail". And, of course, calling a headache a migraine does not make it a migraine.

No, that is false. If X is defined as 'something,' then the statement 'X is something' is true. If the next day you define that same something as Y, then the statement 'Y is something' is then true. However, whatever name you give for some thing or phenomenon, that thing or phenomenon is the same. Recall your Shakespeare.

If the experience of a migraine headache is not the experience of a migraine headache, then what is it an experience of?

If you want to define the word 'migraine' as the experience which is commonly called a migraine, then obviously that experience is a migraine. But I could well call that same experience a 'burlap sack,' and would my experience of that experience be any different? No, of course not. That's all I'm claiming.

Don't confuse the word with the thing. There were migraine headaches (I suppose) before they were called "migraine headaches". Don't you believe so?

There was the experience which we today, in this language, call 'migraine headache' long before anyone uttered the word 'migraine headache.' Certainly, and that's my point. Again, the identity of the experience is not dependent on the name or it, a judgement about it, etc. The experience is the experience as such. That is the reason that I chose originally, some years ago, to set as my premise the claim that 'experiences exist.'

And, I certainly agree that if there is an experience, then there is an experience. It would be difficult to deny that, since it is a logical truth. For any X, if X then X. But what is supposed to follow from that?

Nothing is supposed to follow directly from that, or easily. It is just one of the basic premises of my entire philosophy, which you will find strewn about the forum in various stages of development. Perhaps some time, when I think I've got it organized enough to be coherent to someone who is not the author, I'll post the whole thing.

Emil;104766 wrote:
I suppose the above is an example of how to do 'continental philosophy'.

The Anglo-American philosopers (Hume and few others exempted) ought to have saved the world from themselves and instead spent their time designing a better steam engine or something. I'll take the nonlinear anyday. Cheers to my fellow continentals! ....We also use a fork and knife correctly! :bigsmile:
Reply Mon 23 Nov, 2009 11:43 pm
BrightNoon;105513 wrote:
Correct, but we do have to know that the premises are true in order to know that they are true, and therefore in order to know that the argument that rests upon them is true.

Correct again. But for the argument to be considered sound, for it to be persuasive, it must be known to be true, which means that its premises must be known to be true.

A mathematical argument rests on premises just as a verbal/logical argument. The argument '2 + 2 = 4' is no more intrinsically true than the argument 'mutton is tasty.' The former is only true because of its premises, which is to say that it is only true because it exists within a logical system that defines the terms such that the argument must be true. I will say again, no argument, of whatever kind, can be demonstrated to be absolutely true, but rather only true to the extent that its premises are assumed to be true.

No, that is false. If X is defined as 'something,' then the statement 'X is something' is true. If the next day you define that same something as Y, then the statement 'Y is something' is then true. However, whatever name you give for some thing or phenomenon, that thing or phenomenon is the same. Recall your Shakespeare.

If you want to define the word 'migraine' as the experience which is commonly called a migraine, then obviously that experience is a migraine. But I could well call that same experience a 'burlap sack,' and would my experience of that experience be any different? No, of course not. That's all I'm claiming.

There was the experience which we today, in this language, call 'migraine headache' long before anyone uttered the word 'migraine headache.' Certainly, and that's my point. Again, the identity of the experience is not dependent on the name or it, a judgement about it, etc. The experience is the experience as such. That is the reason that I chose originally, some years ago, to set as my premise the claim that 'experiences exist.'

Nothing is supposed to follow directly from that, or easily. It is just one of the basic premises of my entire philosophy, which you will find strewn about the forum in various stages of development. Perhaps some time, when I think I've got it organized enough to be coherent to someone who is not the author, I'll post the whole thing.

The Anglo-American philosopers (Hume and few others exempted) ought to have saved the world from themselves and instead spent their time designing a better steam engine or something. I'll take the nonlinear anyday. Cheers to my fellow continentals! ....We also use a fork and knife correctly! :bigsmile:

Sorry, I have no idea what a "true argument" is. You had better explain it. It is not necessary to know that an argument is sound for the argument to be sound. I know that.

"Mutton is tasty" is not an argument. It is a statement. What are the premises of 2+2=4? It can have no premises since it is not an argument.

I think Emil is right. You really ought to learn a little logic. Or even what logic is all about.
Reply Wed 25 Nov, 2009 12:23 am
kennethamy;105535 wrote:
Sorry, I have no idea what a "true argument" is. You had better explain it. It is not necessary to know that an argument is sound for the argument to be sound. I know that.

"Mutton is tasty" is not an argument. It is a statement. What are the premises of 2+2=4? It can have no premises since it is not an argument.

I think Emil is right. You really ought to learn a little logic. Or even what logic is all about.

If you cannot understand my arguments unless they are translated into symbolic logic, then you will not ever understand my arguments, because I have no intention of translating them into symbolic logic. If philosophy is, in your mind, reduced so that it is only worthwhile or even coherent if in a certain format, then we have come, in my opinion, to a very a sad state of affairs. It means that method and systematization have replaced the actual persuit of Truth and, paraphrasing Nietzsche, methods are required by those that lack character. In other words, formality is required by those who do not bridle at formality: i.e. those who have something to express which does not fit within the formal structure, or in any case does not require that formal structure. Then again, maybe my arguments are utter nonsense and cannot be understood at all. If that's the case, then repeating them for the nth time won't solve our confusion, so I suppose it's best to stop here and cut our losses.

Regarding the part of your comments that I underlined above, I'll ignore your suggestion but I have one of my own for you, which you no doubt will ignore, but I feel inclined to make nonetheless. Forget all symbols which are not contained in the alphabet, learned to express yourself purely through the most refined medium, burn your symbolic logic books, read the Will to Power, read it again, and then write down what you've learned.
Reply Wed 25 Nov, 2009 01:02 am
BrightNoon;105747 wrote:
If you cannot understand my arguments unless they are translated into symbolic logic, then you will not ever understand my arguments, because I have no intention of translating them into symbolic logic. If philosophy is, in your mind, reduced so that it is only worthwhile or even coherent if in a certain format, then we have come, in my opinion, to a very a sad state of affairs. It means that method and systematization have replaced the actual persuit of Truth and, paraphrasing Nietzsche, methods are required by those that lack character. In other words, formality is required by those who do not bridle at formality: i.e. those who have something to express which does not fit within the formal structure, or in any case does not require that formal structure. Then again, maybe my arguments are utter nonsense and cannot be understood at all. If that's the case, then repeating them for the nth time won't solve our confusion, so I suppose it's best to stop here and cut our losses.

Regarding the part of your comments that I underlined above, I'll ignore your suggestion but I have one of my own for you, which you no doubt will ignore, but I feel inclined to make nonetheless. Forget all symbols which are not contained in the alphabet, learned to express yourself purely through the most refined medium, burn your symbolic logic books, read the Will to Power, read it again, and then write down what you've learned.

Nothing to do with formalism. It has to do with the fact that you do not seem to understand what an argument is, or what the characteristics of a good or bad argument are. I used no symbolic logic in my replies to you. Just plain English. Why don't you google "argument" and "logic" , and learn something about it. Just as you cannot discuss chemistry without knowing at least some elementary chemistry, you cannot discuss logic without knowing at least some elementary terms of logic. And these are in English, not symbolic logic. Aristotle and Plato knew no symbolic logic, but they knew what an argument was, and the difference between good and bad arguments. In fact, it was Aristotle who invented the study of logic.

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