Dear Kennethamy,
Do you realize what you are saying when you say that my definition is 'wrong'? You are suggesting that the thing you think of when you bark a certain sound is what
ought to be thought of when anyone barks that specific sound: 'naychur.' Definitions
are arbitrary: hence, different languages.
You have defined a soup can as 'not-natural' and you said that a soup can exists; therefore, my argument is wrong. :sarcastic: Well, If I used your definition, that would be proof indeed, but I have not. My defintion accounts for the fact that soup cans exist and calls them natural. All you are saying is that 'your definition is not the same as mine, so it is wrong.'
That said, my definition expresses a certain world-view, namely, that we are the same as everything else, just more complex. You might disagree with that, but then you essentially beleive in magic, the 'supernatural,' 'the soul,' etc. That's fine, we would then have a philosophical diagreement.
However, I don't think you disagree with that idea, I think you don't make such subtle distinctions. I think you just thought, "wait a gosh darn minute...soup cans ain't natural!"