nameless wrote:Is not the following quote you telling us "how the universe is"?
Or is it you telling us how the universe is for you?
this is what we are here for. To share our visions, concepts, perceptions and thoughts in hopes to reach those that are common to the most of us. Never in the history of man has such communication been possible with such spontaneity. It is understandable not all will be receptive, but those numbers will dictate whether or not those visions, concepts, perceptions and thoughts have legitimacy and should be continued with not as much regard to those individual beliefs that would be in the vast minority.
So much of what is thought to be 'truth' is programmed, choreographed by the "minority elite" to serve their purpose and never in the history of man has the majority had a voice as to what they think, only what they have been "conditioned" to think. For instance, abortion. Abortion was a minority elite decision that was force on the majority with no regard to popular opinion. I know, I was there. Any and all opposition that was coming from the majority was rendered mute and not allowed in the public domain. Such as what is common today regarding the useless garbage that is imposed on us through the minority elite controlled multi-media.
We can only hope for a majority consensus that will be beneficial to all human beings and not what is dictated by an egotistical few who think they have all the answers.
We are not as smart as we think we are as Khethil has so indicated. We haven't been here that long at all and to assume anyone has all the answers is egotistical folly. All we can do is hope for reaching collective thought without restricting any one from offering their input. Only then will be begin to realize some measure of truth not threatened by the minority elite and their rendition of it. My humble opinion.