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Just a question (and a conversation starter) - who here is a rationalist and who is an empiricist and why?
I consider myself a rationalist, as I see certain shortcomings in the empiricist viewpoint. For example, math is one field of study that empiricism fails us and where only logic and reasoning can carry us forward. I am, however, against the blatant abuse of apriorism, as we often see with the religious (i.e. cosmological argument).
Doesn't the cosmological argument deduce God's existence out of the existence of the universe? Wouldn't this essentially be an a priori argument?
I was under the impression that a priori arguments can have an empirical observation at their base.
As for Hume, I do believe that a priori knowledge is knowledge of "real existence." We can see this today in economics, where many economic theorems have been thought of a priori, not a posteriori. The philosopher/economist Ludwig von Mises wrote on the subject a lot.
how could a person ever arrive at such knowledge, and how could a person ever confirm that such an a priori proposition was true. How would he be able to justify such a proposition?
Originally Posted by krazy kaju
Just a question (and a conversation starter) - who here is a rationalist and who is an empiricist and why?
Our preference is induced/developed by empiricism but why is it needed in unison with predictive reason? I find preference can hinder general human progress when it is enforced at every instance of reason- we quickly disregard options/choices because of preference, but this limits new experience which limits options, this can lead to collective assumptions and actions like refusing to eat all vegetables even though you have only ever eater peas and carrots and it just happened you didn't like either of them.
Is god a product of empiricism or rationalism? I don't know why I'm bothering but I feel that some answers will help me prove that God is a silly concept.
Is god a product of empiricism or rationalism? I don't know why I'm bothering but I feel that some answers will help me prove that God is a silly concept.
Doobah, if you only find proper reason in empiricism, can you explain to me how it is possible that we understand what we percieve?
The perception passes through the unconscious in reaching our conscious (we do not consciously decipher light waves, the cognition is arrived at before it reaches the conscious), and we do not know how logical the unconscious is. We simply reason what the brain provides to the mind, so the perception is formulated according to some level of reason before we are conscious of it, thus we perceive reason as a conscious action and have previously reasoned perception as an unconscious action.
Is god a product of empiricism or rationalism? I don't know why I'm bothering but I feel that some answers will help me prove that God is a silly concept.