1." I am concerned with what other people believe to some extent. However, I am not concerned with ethical views which attempt to dictate what other people ought to believe, especially when there is no mention that such a belief is false." quote
:)Reguardless, you have examples of it in the fact that, it is illegal in all but one state for an atheist to hold public office in the United States. So, society at large is interested in what its subjects then believe, and it is prepared to use coercion to inforce a belief they cannot prove.
2. "The truth-value of a statement is an objective property of a statement i.e. a statement either corresponds to the facts or it does not correspond to the facts. The subjective evaluation of a statement as true or false may be mistaken, and does not determine the actual truth-value of the statement i.e. the truth-value of a statement is 'objective' because its value is what it is irrespective of what anyone thinks about it. I think, perhaps, you meant the term 'objective' to mean something different."[/quote]
:)The truth-value of an object is descerned by a subject. When this truth is relayed to another it is taken tentively as a truth, this is truth value only when the subject is once removed from the experience itself. This then is the truth value of a statement, it is not experience itself, it is presented as truth, the only way to be sure that it is true, is to experience it yourself. No one stated that reason was infallible, just that it is the best we have to work with. Yes, the subjects experience of the object DOES determine the truth of any statement, the normal most accurate order would be the experience of the object, then statement.
"The subjective evaluation of a statement as true or false may be mistaken, and does not determine the actual truth-value of the statement i.e. the truth-value of a statement is 'objective' because its value is what it is irrespective of what anyone thinks about it."quote

I think I covered this somewhat in the above, but, yes, the subjective evaluation does determine what is truth, truth is the statement about the relation of the subject to the object, it is, this rock is hot, to me, yes this rock is hot. You say, "the truth value, is objective because its value is what it is irrespective of what anyone thinks about it." No, truth is a term with a meaning, objects do not have meaning, only a living subject/consciousness has the property of meaning, thus, truth is the property of a subject. All meaning is a relation between object and subject or in other words, meaning/truth is biologically determined.