In this thread I will be introducing you to more complex truth tables. This is a VERY useful tool if you run up against poorly constructed arguments because if you familiarize yourself with the method well enough, you will be able to see right through a faulty argument before considering any of the facts involved or you could break down an argument to find out how it can be contradicted and then try to corner your opponent with that contradiction.
WHAT YOU SHOULD KNOW AT THIS POINT----------------------------------------------------------
At this point you should understand the following from the previous symposiums in order to fully grasp the methodology of complex truth tables;
Symposium 2 - The basics of truth table formation and composition.
Symposium 3 - the fundamental operations of connectives (&,v,-->,<-->, ~)
Symposium 4 - Translating what you want to know the truth value of into Logical language.
Symposium 5 - Knowing how to attack truth values, etc.
RECAP OF TRUTH TABLES---------------------------------------------
So now on to complex truth tables. You can probably gather by now that a truth table is constructed to show you how to determine all the possible truth values a statement can have.
It is at this point that is best to refer to Symposia 2 to show how a basic truth table is composed because it may be hard to follow if you start from this point. Here's a brief rundown of the basics and method. If you are confused, ask by replying to this thread or refer to symposium 2.

COMPLEX TRUTH TABLES AND ARGUMENT VALIDATION------------------------------------------
If Alan is running then Bob is running. Bob is not running. Therefore, Alan is not running.
Now from this point, we need to utilize a method that will come in handy with proofs in the next symposium. Look carefully at the argument. The first thing you should note is that there are three separate sentences. These sentences are the components of your arguments. In the introduction symposium (1), I explained that an argument is a set of premises followed by a conclusion. Now, take the component sentences of this argument and give each sentence its own line.
1. If Alan is running then Bob is running.
2. Bob is not running
3. Therefore, Alan is not running.
Line 1 and line 2 are the premises and line 3 is the conclusion, denoted by the "therefore." Now that we have the lines identified, we can translate these English lines into logic.
1. A --> B
2. ~ B
3. ~ A
Now that we have translated the sentences to their respective line, we can construct a complex truth table. This is what the structure of a complex truth table looks like. (and I also threw in a simple truth table so that you can compare them side by side.)
The complex truth table is pretty much the same as the regular truth table. The only difference is that more solution columns have been put in to facilitate the lines of the problem. So if the argument you were evaluating had 5 lines, you would have 4 premises columns and a conclusion column.
Now that we understand how to construct a complex truth table, let's solve the argument at hand.

STEP 0 - Translate the argument into logic and lines.
STEP 1 - Draw your complex truth table. It is very much similar to a simple truth table like we have seen. The only additions are the extra columns to facilitate each premise and the conclusion in the argument. In this case, there are two premises and 1 conclusion, so there are three columns to work with.
STEP 2 - Insert the premises and the conclusion into the top right column sections. Remember each premise gets their very own column.
STEP 3 - Insert all the variables in the argument into the top left section in order to work out a truth probability matrix.
STEP 4 - Input the truth probability matrix for the two variables in the argument.
STEP 5 - Write in all the truth probabilities for each variable in the bottom right section.
STEP 6 - Solve each column independently.
STEP 7 - Now here is how you solve the complex truth table. You have two main things to keep in mind.
1.If one of the rows in your truth table contains all True's in your premises columns but a False in your conclusion column, then the argument is invalid
2.If there are now rows which contain true premises and a false conclusion, the the argument is valid.
Since there are no such rows where all the premises are true and the conclusion is false, the argument is indeed valid.
So that is how you do a complex truth table. But there is actually a quicker way to perform a truth table.
PARTIAL TRUTH TABLE METHOD---------------------------------------
That's pretty much the main parts of complex truth tables and partial truth tables. There are a few other tricks, like tautology and contingency finders, but that may be a little too much. But let me know if you would like to know how to do them and I'll be sure to post them.