Thinking back on it, I could have incorporated this in the last symposium, but some things need to be cleared up before getting into complex truth tables and proofs.
Logical LanguageSentence Variables.
A sentence variables is basically any letter A to Z. So the variables in the sentence (A&B) --> C are A,B, and C. It is important to remember that any of these variables and any grouping of these variables is a sentence in truth functional logic. So A, B, A&B, AvB, A-->B, A<-->B are all sentences as well.
Sentence Operators
Sentence operators are the connectives; &, v, -->, <-->. (i.e., conjunction, disjunction, conditional, and bi-conditional).
Parenthetical Devices
The grouping devices used to isolate compound sentences from other sentences, such as; ( ), [ ], { }.
So now that you understand the essential elements of logical language, the formation of the sentence s you wish to translate must be well formed in order to be conveyed coherently.
Well Formed Formulas
This is essential in translating and proofs. You have to make sure you symbolize and simplify the translations you do before you get into the proof because if the formula you want to evaluate is not formed correctly, you will not be able to accurately translate is, find its truth value, etc.
There just a few things to remember.
Say you have this sentence; { [ (A&B) ] }
It seems obvious that those two outer parentheses (i.e. { } and [ ] ) can be dropped, because they are merely extra weight and mean nothing in the overall sentence. But you can also drop the ( ) as well because the only sentence is A & B. However, if the sentence was { [ ~(A & B) ] }, then you can drop the two outer brackets, but must leave the inner parentheses because of the tilde.
WTF!!! Deformed Well Formed Formulas!
The grammar within logic has to be very precise, and when translating sentences to logic may show one how good or bad their English composition is.
It is important to keep in mind that;
1.Variables cannot be side by side. Example: BN & H
2.Negations cannot be placed between two variables. Example: H ~N
3.Two connectives cannot be next to each other. Example: E &v H
4.Parentheses must be used. Example: A & N v C
5.Variables cannot float outside a parentheses. Example: N (D & B)
Letters are variables, connectives are operators, Parentheses are parentheses! Also, to make a coherent formula and subsequent proof, you have to have a well formed formula, which is grammatically correct!
These things are the fundamental elements in the logical meta-language. It is important to cover these things now because you will need to know them in the complex truth tables. But before going into complex truth tables, let's look at basic truth table calculations which I think is pretty fun.
Best way to show this is to dive right into a sample problem from the very beginning. Suppose you had the sentence "Alan is playing and Bob is not."
Step 0. Fist and foremost before you begin, you have to identify the main operator that will determine the truth value of your sentence. This is obviously the conjunction symbol. It is not the negation because it is not a connective.
Step 1. Translate the problem correctly. Remember that if you are off in your translation, you will not be able to get a legitimate truth value.
Step 2. For now, we are supposing the truth values of our sentence. There is another way to do this, but it is much later in logic. Suffice to say that you need to provide the truth values yourself. But if you were looking for all the possible ways to see if the sentence could be true, do a basic truth possibilities matrix on the side and then input those possibilities into your calculation depending on how many variables you have. But for now, we understand that A is true and B is false.
Step 3. Replace the variables with the truth values you set in place.
Step 4.Step 5. This is where you memory comes in. YOU MUST REMEMBER THE RULES OF THE CONNECTIVES!!! So, the rule of the main operator ( & ) is "a conjunct is true if both conjuncts are true." Since the negation in step 4 turned the value of B to T, both conjunct are true, thus the sentence is true.
Now suppose this already translated sentence; ~ (~A --> ~B) v ~C.
Step 1. The sentence is already translated.
Step 2. Suppose the truth values or do a truth probability matrix calculate the possible truth values.
Step 3. Replace the variables with the truth values.
Step 4. In order to make things easier, do the truth values in an ordered way to keep track of your progress and serve as a back-up point in case you mess up on something.
Step 5. Next ordered step in the process
Step 6. Now that you have two truth values within a parentheses, you need to refer to the conditional rule, which states a conditional is false only when the antecedent is true and the consequent false. Since both variables of the conditional are not false, the conditional is true.
Step 7. Next order step in the process
Step 8. Refer to the disjunction rule to solve, which states that a disjunction is false only when both disjuncts are false.
That's basically what you have to know before we get into complex truth table analyses.