@Mephistopheles phil,
This proposed rock that god is meant to try to lift, where is it? Because weight isn't a property of objects is it? Weight is dependent on the gravity wherever the object is.
Science which apparently can tell us everything about everything according to some, can't actually tell us anything about what gravity actually is, along with space, time, causality, etc and just proceeds on the assumption that they 'just are'.
If god created everything then he also created gravity, and the law of gravity operates by his will, therefore asking if he could create a rock big enough that even he couldn't lift is like asking someone to lock their hands together and pull to try to figure out which of their arms are stronger.
The premise is completely nonsensical.
Also it (along with innumerable other such arguments) is entirely based on a caricatured understanding of God. I.e. it was probably formed by an atheist who either ignorant of what the idea of god is meant to be, or didn't really care as to the soundness of the argument, but just as long as it sounds good and attacks theism, then that's all right then.
God in practically every religion is meant to be a being who doesn't exist corporeally in time and space, but transcendentally outside time and space. The act of lifting a rock, indicates an action taking place in time, involving matter existing in space.