If we grant that there are 4 truth values: T = logical truth, t = empirical truth, f =empirical falsity, F = logical falsity.
~T=F, ~t=f, ~f=t, ~F=T.
TvT=T, Tvt=T, Tvf=T, TvF=T, tvT=T, tvt=t, tvf=T, tvF=t
fvT=T, fvt=T, fvf=f, fvF=f, FvT=T, Fvt=t, Fvf=f, FvF=F.
[]T=T, []t=F, []f=F, []F=F.
<>p =df ~[]~p.
(p -> q) =df ~p v q.
(p & q) =df ~(~p v ~q).
(p <-> q) =df ((p -> q) & (q -> p)).
All of the theorems of the 2-valued logic are tautologous here.
The aditional axioms of S5 are given..
1. [](p -> q) -> ([]p -> []q).
2. []p -> p.
3. <>p -> []<>p.
2. []T -> T, []t -> t, []f -> f, []F -> F. Each are tautologous by the above.
3. <>T -> []<>T, <>t -> []<>t, ,<>f -> []<>f, <>F -> []<>F. Each of these are also tautologous.
1. p q | [](p -> q) -> ([]p -> []q))
That is, all of the axioms of S5 are tautologies.
Doesn't it follow that all theorems (tautologies) of S5 are show to be the case by this method?