I like to be pure in my approach to Philosophy.
It doesn't really interest me who said what first and how many degrees he/she had when he/she said it. That kind of talk is a cheap trick used to intimmidate people into nodding their heads. I say if you understand an idea then it is yours. Take ownership of it and defend it.
These academics think they own Philosophy. Baaaaaa. They invent fancy words for ideas that could just as easily be spoken in common terms. More parlor tricks. You can put a turd on a plate and cover it with all the chocolate sause and whip cream you want, but I still wont take a bite. Please stop spouting the psuedointellectual bull.
In the end we are all fools, and the most important cliche to remember is that we must be able to laugh at ourselves. And don't worry, if you can't laugh at yourself Ill make up for it by laughing at you twice as hard.