Quote:Forgive me if I'm not impressed then, since most of the others I mentioned are generally regarded as improvements on Godel's work. And let me ask for about the 5th time, why has this breakthrough by Dean gotten no attention in the academic world? What kind of response has it gotten?
simple colin leslie dean has not presented it to the academic world
no journals
no nothing
he is a no body who preferes to step out side the grove
he believes that the academic world has and should not have a monopoly on truth
he stands up for the no bodies
truth is truth regardless of whether it is published in a academic journal or a comic book
he is for democracy and spreads his view via the net
he is published by gamahucher press- look up what gamahucher means
i think he would destest the elitism pomposity of the academic world and would like to see it humiliated by a no body destroying one of their gods without using their forms of elitist publications
dean i think is a reader of marcus "one dimensional man " and foucault
who argues
it is not about "truth" but who has the power to tell us what "truth" is
and colin leslie dean is trying to humiliate and over turn the current power centres in regard to truth by presenting argument in the public space and letting people make up their own mind
if you only believe godel from reading others views with out coming to YOUR own views then you worship authority more than you do independent thinking
if you cant come to YOUR OWN view about godel from reading deans arguments but require others to tell you what is to be the accepted view then go read some
the frankfurt school of social philosophy
and foucault