@Night Ripper,
Night Ripper;159563 wrote:Since it is impossible to avoid one's motorcycle, since if one did so, it would not have been his motorcycle, how could I not own a motorcycle-which I clearly don't?
What does it mean "to avoid one's motorcycle"? Avoid being hit by it? What makes you think that is anything like, it is impossible to avoid one's fate, since if one could avoid it, it it would not be fate? There is no parallel that I can see. You can certainly avoid being hit by your motorcycle and it still be your motorcycle, since it is not part of the definition of "your motorcycle" that you cannot avoid being hit by it. But it is part of the definition of "your fate" that you cannot avoid it. See the difference?
I think you may believe that I am arguing that there are necessarily are some things that are fated for me. But I am not. What I am pointing out, however, it that necessarily, if some event is fated, it cannot be avoided. And that is clearly true. But, that does not imply that there are fated event, of course. Just as it is true that if I have a sister, then she is a child of my parents. But it does not follow from that, that I have a sister. I am sure you agree.