Let me outline briefly the thought of Jose Ortega y Gasset on the concept of "world."
1. My life is the radical reality, in the sense that all other realities appear or are "rooted" in it.
2. My life consists of I and my circumstance.
3. In order to lead my life I have to be continually making decisions about what I am going to do in my life.
4. My circumstance presents me with facilities and difficulties with regard to what I want to do in my life.
5. In order to be able to make successful decisions about what I am going to do in my life, I have to be able to take advantage of the facilities and reduce the difficulties that my circumstance presents to me.
6. To this end I search for an understanding of my circumstance and its relation to the decisions that I make about what I am going to do in my life.
7. As I begin to understand more and more about my circumstance I use my imagination to construct a total picture or "world" that represents my understanding not only of the relationship of my circumstance to what I am going to do, but also the relationships that exist among the various parts of my circumstance itself that enable me to maximize the facilities and minimize the difficulties that my circumstance presents to me with regard to what I decide to do in my life.
8. Since this picture or "world" is constructed by each person with regard to the circumstance that is a part of their life, there are a plurality of such "worlds".
9. Just as the life of each person is unique and different from that of every other person, so is their circumstance and their corresponding "world" unique and different.
10. To the extent that persons share similar circumstances and can agree on the features of the "worlds" they have constructed, they can be said to share the same "world".
Welcome to Ortega's and my "world".
Viva Ortega!