'Is happiness only achieved by never being fully content?'
There are two types of happiness (if not more) one that you fulfil and one that fulfils you.
Only one is ever able to be sustained and that is of a giving, you do it.
People seem to think that happiness is soemthing that can be sustained, because we all want to get all of the time, it is not, it is constant work.
You can be happy when contented and contented when happy, happiness is never reached for it is striving it is working it is doing. Or unselfish happiness.
Contentment can be reached can be fulfilled, because it means that all your work is done. You in effect become selfless, do away with the self an dneed to be what other would have you be.
Contentment is being prepared for the storm but not expecting it.
Happiness is expecting the sunshine.
It rains and it shines, never just one all the time.
Happiness being a motion an action a consequence means you may finish the chores for one day but you will have to do it all over again tomorrow.
Happiness is fleeting, you cant stay happy always.
Happy is a drug we think we should be taking all the time.
Contenment is a condition.
Happiness is a symptom.
If you let go of happiness you can become contented quicker and for longer. Your work is done.
Contenment is usually all giving.
Happiness is usually all getting.
But contenment can be dangerous becaus ein a way you can also not appreciate the sunshine when it arrives.
But if you go by the modle, contentment is being prepared for the storm but not expectiing it, you must also be prepared for the sunshine but not expect it either. Which to a degree means because you are ready for soemthing you are more likely not to waste it.
Happiness is wasted on the happy.