>> What do you mean by that? What have we spotted?
like something logical - **** this is hard to extract

I do agree you cant have an opinion without understanding the q.
so there is a story about unicorns - that describes something unknown.
lets say the unicorn dies and then he came back to life magically but always with a different personality.
the legend only vaguely describes the personality - how he is but we spot there a pattern like
the things that he wants are always what he would have wanted if he would have fulfilled the previous ones (assuming that after you have something you want something else in an infinite circle).
this pattern has nothing to do with the legend.
the legend is created by many generations and is spread across the globe - always perfected but this pattern is not known - we just observed it.
the q is the same:
what can be said about this situation?
could the fact that we spotted a pattern to be actually prove that there is
something true there?
or the fact that the pattern is spotted in a popular legend makes the whole thing absolutely false?