@ronsher gangwar,
ronsher_gangwar wrote:hello everyone!! i'm ronsher (in sanskrit it means lion of the battlefield) and gangwar is my surname(actually its gungwaar).... for the last few months i'm having some kinda problem with my "self"... it looks very logical to me that our "selves" are very much like parasites dwelling inside our stomach and "extremely unconciously" depriving us of nutrients and minerals that our body needs, essentially....i've written a lot about this logic that i want to explain to everyone dead or alive... if there's someone who thinks there's something rational and logical but not radical in my approach to look at this creation of "god or devil "... is most welcomed!!!

ronsher gangwar,
:)Hello Ronsher, your theory is totally unfounded, what is the matter with you? Just kidding!! The perfect new member is one of wonder, and you seem to fit the bill. So, a large and warm welcome Ronsher, we are most glad you have joined us, make yourself at home. I shall be looking for you on the boards!!