in this interview susskind does a brief overlay of the theme of the goals of science and the anthropomorthic principle (and intelligent design).... - The Cosmic Landscape
what is interesting is that he raises the question as to how to distinguish the new physics from metaphysics when it comes to primary explanations for the universe. Not surprisingly as a man of insatiable curiousity he refuses to accept the anthropomorphic principle, (that the universe at the fundamental physics level has design that is intrinsically connected to life existing in the universe) for the age old principle if not guiding light, that life is just coincidental (though probable) on the largest scales of scientific vision of what is. ie it is coincidental if a particular universe is created from the multiverses that holds life, but probable that universes in the general mix will hold life. Thus we are in a universe that is extremely special and unlikely in the one off roll of the dice....... but it is not a one off role. There are billions upon billions of other rolls in the multiverse dice and for most of them life does not exist.
In other words the physics string theory multiverse is a kind of genetic code for universes, and those with life, with the right combination of code will come forth. This is similar to the theory of evolution with regard to the developement of the eye, as randomness in conjunction with biological survival is what actually creates the eye, not intelligent design. There is similarly no need for a creator for susskind, and the fact that the cosmological constant is non zero only at the 120th place is just our good fortune.
This kind of randomness argument against intelligent design is somewhat different to evolutionary biology. Firstly biology includes the force of survival as intrinsic to the 'design' process. Secondly the progression of that force, the size of the dice and how often they are rolled are all measurable. Multiverse theory is not measurable with todays technology and concievably never in the lifetime of humanity. Nevertheless susskind says 'never give up trying' and until then do not believe in the anthropomorphic principle if it stops you trying.
Is this good advice? Is there a point when as humans it makes metaphysical sense to stop trying to find the bigger picture whereby humanity can be seen as coincidence? Is such a desire to always find humanity as coincidence.......... a metaphysical position in itself?