The Intellect and Consiousness of Energy
A theory by Jamie
I am going to go out on a limb here and post my hypothesis/theory. It is not a scientific theory by any is just the ponderings of a lowly woman with a lot of time to think during the day, thus is why I call myself an Energist.
[CENTER]Theory Overview:[/CENTER]
Energy has Independent Intellect and Independent Consciousness as well as Collective Intelligence and Collective Consciousness.
Energy: The substance that everything conceivable is made up of - even thoughts, dreams, and hallucinations.
Consciousness: Awareness of existance.
Collective: A group of energy, in various forms, size, and location.
Intellect: The ability to form intelligence and patterns in behavior and thoughts. The ability to critically think and store memory. The ability to learn through experience. The ability to process information. The ability to obtain balance. The ability to make decisions.
[[[Adding more as I go on in the theory and more information is found]]]
Independent: One particle of energy
Initial Thoughts:[/CENTER]
A. Energy
1. There are different types of energy.
2. Humans are made up of their own type of energy.
3. Human god/esses are made up of the same type of energy as humans.
4. Thought is made up of its own type of energy.
5. Action is made up of its own type of energy.
6. Chemical Reactions are made up of its own type of energy
[[[Adding more as my research goes on]]]
B. Purpose of Energy
1. To create physical, such as humans
2. To create action within a human being
3. To create interaction between other energy forces.
4. To create balance between energy particles and collective energies.
5. To create purpose for physical, such as humans
6. To create a system for the Universe to work
C. Systems of Energy
1. Energy - Brain System
2. Body - Brain - Energy System
3. Mind - Body - Brain - Energy System
4. Energy - Nature System
5. Energy - Solar System System
6. Energy - Interaction System
7. Energy - Thought system
8. Energy - Memory System
9. Energy - Processing System
10. Energy - Cycle System
How Energy Works:[/CENTER]
Energy (and the product of Energy) is the substance that all things conceivable are made up of. It is your thoughts, your emotions, your brain, your body, your mind, your god or goddess. It is the ground you walk on, drive on, run on..etc. Energy is what is taught to you in school - knowledge/wisdom. Energy is age. Energy is Time. Energy is Space. Energy is mass.
In theory, there are independent energy particles that group together to create collective energies. These are groups of energy that do several things. One of the things that I am focusing on in this theory deals with how energy associates with humans and the religions of the world as well as thought processes and how the brain relates to the mind. I will break these down into parts so as to be less confusing and more sequential for you to read.
Energy in independent form has its own intellect and consciousness. We have been told that the human brain is where our intelligence comes from. I challenge this idea simply because in this theory, I believe that the human brain itself is made up of a collective energy with a collective intelligence (all the independent energy's intelligence working together for a common purpose) and a collective consciousness (a link to all energy that exists and the "whole" awareness of existence).
The human brain only functions because the independent energy that groups with each other, use each other's abilities (and each energy has different abilities) like a machine to make the brain function.
Independent energy particles store mass amounts of information from experiences. Assuming that there is no "Heaven" or "Hell" or "Afterlife" in which our souls dwell after physical death, and assuming that life is a continum of experiences (some may refer to it as reincarnation), I can safely say that each energy particle that makes up a human (other than the physical body parts), or moreover, the human mind, keeps every single experience from every single lifetime stored within itself much like the "unconscious" that Freud and Jung spoke about. That information is only surfaced to the independent consciousness of the energy particle or collective energy (depending on the circumstance) when the need arises
[[[or the will allows]]].
This explains how some people can feel like they've lived past lives due to relating to certain situations or events so well. Example: "I think I must have been one of King Arthur's Knights or lived in that era because I feel so comfortable in that setting or when experiencing the renaissance or other midievil times."
This also relates to the phenomena of deja vu and other ESP phenomena. Once the energy has that information stored, it does not matter what lifetime you are living - the energy will relate to specific experiences based on past experiences and cause a "comfortable" reaction within the group of energy (the human).
Now, since independent energy can store these amounts of memories, I have assumed that putting the energy together in a group and forming a collective energy means that all the memories that each particle contains can be put forth into "something". This something can be a historical can be the experience of eating an can be the experience of walking on the moon, however, it takes those certain energy particles coming together in order to be able to access those memories as a collective source.
This would explain why some people do not experience deja vu or have recollections of past lives..etc. The energy that they are made up of does not collaborate with each other enough to be able to put the puzzle completely together - the energy needs more of that similar collective energy within the group in order to access the full memory.
This is also evidence in theory that would lead to the supernatural, as we call it. "Psychics" are able to read about your future, past, and present. If they have these "special abilities" then that means the energy that they are composed of collaborate with each other and have been to a lot of similar lifetimes as its group. Therefore, the "psychic" is able to access those memories as a whole or in large parts because the memories in the independent particles are working together to share that particular memory.
[[[Energy is vibration? How can energy be vibration when vibration is the result of energy moving? Is Vibration a different type of energy then that isnt molecular/particles? Does this vibrational energy store memories and dictate thought as well?]]]
[[[What happens to a person who encounters brain damage and loses their ability to be congitive - Is this a physical energy thing where as the collective energies cannot make it work because the physical energy isnt working? Or is this a abandonment of collective energy once the physical energy isnt able to ever function again?]]]
PART II: Energy and the God Concept
***If you are highly religious, and get offended easily, DO NOT read any further. The subject of this theory is very very deep...and is like a roller coaster ride. If you are worried about puncturing your belief system and/or religion, do not even attempt to grasp these concepts as it will do you damage and no good.***
This next part involves the concept of God and Spirituality. For the purposes of my theory I will make a few points beforehand so that there will be less confusion.
Most Christian doctrines believe that by capitalizing the word "god", that it is then referenced to God the Father as they know him/her, the Father of Jesus Christ. When the "g" in the word god is NOT capitalized, they tend to view that as one referencing god as a mere idol.
In this theory, the word god will be CAPITALIZED in reference to God as I am speaking of it - NOT God the Father of Christianity. In the theory, I basically state that everyone and everything including energy itself is God, hence I capitalize it just as if I were capitalizing my own name or someone else's.
Note: I am going to highlight in red, the areas of the intial thoughts in which we will be exploring here in this next set of suggestions that I am posting here.
Rehashing of the Initial Thoughts:
A. Energy
1. There are different types of energy.
2. Humans are made up of their own type of energy.
3. Human god/esses are made up of the same type of energy as humans.
4. Thought is made up of its own type of energy.
5. Action is made up of its own type of energy.
6. Chemical Reactions are made up of its own type of energy
[[[Adding more as my research goes on]]]
B. Purpose of Energy
1. To create physical, such as humans
2. To create action within a human being
3. To create interaction between other energy forces.
4. To create balance between energy particles and collective energies.
5. To create purpose for physical, such as humans
6. To create a system for the Universe to work
C. Systems of Energy
1. Energy - Brain System
2. Body - Brain - Energy System
3. Mind - Body - Brain - Energy System
4. Energy - Nature System
5. Energy - Solar System System
6. Energy - Interaction System
7. Energy - Thought system
8. Energy - Memory System
9. Energy - Processing System
10. Energy - Cycle System
God is Energy. Everything is Energy or the product of Energy. We are God. Animals are God. Molecules are God. God.
Since we have already speculated on Dark Matter a bit, I think we can delve into it a bit more at this point.
"Based on 50 years of accumulated observations of the motions
of galaxies and the expansion of the universe, most astronomers
believe that as much as 90 percent of the stuff constituting
the universe may be objects or particles that cannot
be seen." - Scientific American Magazine; Dark Matter in the Universe by Vera Rubin
Full Article:
Dark Matter has been explored a bit, however, unfortunately, there isnt much information on it, so much like Einstein developing his General Relativity Theory...I am left wandering in the dark only to make assumptions on a lot of things until the mathematics can be calculated and the space being explored.
I am making it a possibility right here, that Dark matter may possibly be the primal energy source from which I speak of.
We all know that energy can transform into different forms of energy according to circumstance and requirements for the circumstance. With this, it would be entirely possible for the energy of Dark matter transforming into physical forms such as humans and animals..and everything else around us.
To clarify a few things, I will need to go into detail a bit on a few things such as the God concept as we know it right now (in general) and what I think of as the God Concept (in general).
I have made up some pictures of a couple concepts. The first is the concept of God as humans tend to think of it currently: a divine force mightier than ourselves that has the ability to create and destroy at will, who speaks to us, is not a physical being, and who has the ability to dictate the afterlife assuming you dont believe in reincarnation.
God as we know it right now in general, shows that there is a divine force above all, then come humans and animals.. then comes molecules and atoms...then comes energy.
I see a few problems with this concept, so let me show you another picture with which I believe the nature of God to be.
In this concept of God, I am showing that there is a mass collection of energy that is HUGE.. almost like a resevoir that holds unused energy. [[[Is this Dark Matter?]]] This is the God of Humans...then go on down the line as to where humans are Gods as well.. of smaller beings such as Molecules and Atoms...and Molecules and Atoms being Gods of smaller collections of energy...and then the smaller collections of energy being Gods of even smaller collections of energy.
Now, one might speculate and say, what about the smallest particle in the world? What is it the God of. This is where my concept of "energy cycling" comes in and I will get to that in a minute.
First, I would like to point out some similarities in my Theory vs Einstein's attempted Unification Theory that he ultimately abandoned over and over again even on his death bed.
Taken from the book, Einstein: A hundred years of Relativity by Andrew Robinson:
(Einstein speaking of the new physics in his field theory)
"Could we not reject the concept of matter and build a pure field physics? What impresses our senses as matter is really a great concentration of energy into a comparatively small space. We could regard matter as the regions in spac where the field is extemely strong. In this way a new philosophical background could be created. Its final aim would be the explanation of all events in nature by structure laws valid always and everywhere. A stone thrown is, from this point of view, a changing field, where the states of greatest field intensity travel through space with the velocity of the stone. There would be no place, in our new physics, for both field and matter, field being the only reality. This new view is suggested by our great achievements of field physics, by our sucess in expressing the laws of electricity, magnetism, gravitation in the form of structure laws and finally by the equivalence of mass and energy. Our ultimate problems would be to modify our field laws in such a way that they would not break down for regions in which the energy is enormously concentrated."
My theory is much like his concept there. He goes on to say:
"But the creative principle resides in mathematics. In a certain sense, therefore, I hold it to be true that pure thought can grasp reality, as the ancients dreamed."
This is EXACTLY what I am talking about...whereas reality might sometimes be deemed as illusion to the human eye... but not the human mind aka collective energy directly from the Universal Conscioussness of all Energy.
From his correspondence with various physicists it is clear that Einstein was seriously thinking about a unification of gravitation and electromagnetism in such a field theory as early as 1918 and maybe as far back as 1916 after the completion of his greak work on general relativity.
These are areas in which I will explore with you folks in later Parts introduced in this theory...and trust me...there are MANY parts to this theory.
I am in reality, challenging everything the world has ever known - and therefore cannot be summarized in one short post.. but in Parts that we can debate and rehash over and over and over again till we are all blue in the face

My idea of a good time hehe.
Above, I spoke about the smallest particles being challenged as having something to be God of. As promised, I will go over this concept with you as I see it.
There are cycles throughout nature. We see it in atomic structure..we see it in nature itself and even on cartoons for children (The Lion King). We see cycles in our behavior our thought proccesses and in our daily lives. Cycles tend to be a part of existence no matter how you look at it.
Cycles pertain to energy in various ways. In my theory here, I tend to think of energy as one great big "cycle". It could be the same energy everywhere as I speculated in Part I, the original post, or energy could be made up of different structures. Either way, the cycle concept that I am bringing up will pertain. Lets assume, however, as in my original theory that energy is all the same make up to start. Lets assume that dark matter is actually the primal state of energy.
We start out with all this dark matter.. primal independent energies. It then finds a collective group, and transforms into "something". Lets say this collective energy, this dark matter dispurses and moves into physical form, such as a human. Ok, now we have one human body (Fetus in a womb). Now since we have this fetus that is energy collectively grouped to form the physical form...we must now assume that the fetus will need something to make everything work.
Some people may say, fetus has a brain! What the hell are you talking about????
Let me explain
You have a computer and a monitor do you not? Ok, lets take for example that the monitor is the fetus. The actual PC is what it needs to "function".
So what is the PC in regards to energy, Twisted???
So, we go back to the dark matter...mass collection of primal energy. Independent energies collect as before, and then transform into "something" depending on the circumstances and requirements for the circumstances. In this case, it will be transforming into the very subject of this theory:
This intelligent energy with consciousness makes its way into the fetus and spreads throughout the brain as different forms..electrical impulses, making the fetus's body "work". Without the electrical impulses in the brain, the brain will not function, and hence the body wont work either.
Some might speculate and say that there have been experiments where humans are able to put electrical charges into the brain to test function and what not. Now, I also have an explanation for that as well. Energy is energy whether it is electrical or stationary matter. Energy has the ability to transform to its need in any given circumstance. Now couldnt we assume that the electrical charges being placed on the brain by humans transform into the same energy that is already circulating throughout the brain in order to meet the requirements of the circumstance??
Where does the cycling come in? Since everything is energy.. then the smallest particle would be God of itself and the cycle would start again.
Buddhism vs Energy Theory
Illustrated Tibetan Book of the Dead by Stephen Hodge with Martin Boord
"Perhaps the most important idea to bear in mind is the Tibetan Buddhist view of human nature and how it relates to that mode of freedom and wisdom called "Enlightenment". Buddhism most emphatically stresses the centrality and primacy of the mind. The mind is the source of all things, it contains within it the possibility of enlightenment or else continued repetiton of the dreary miserable round of lives in the cycle of existence."
The clear correlation here between my theory and the Buddhist principals is that to do with the mind. I believe it is just a difference between concept and definitions here. The Buddhists believe in a consciousness, in fact, several different levels of it whereas I am attempting to put it into different levels of energy "frequencies". The Buddhists see life from the mind, whereas since I believe that the mind is energy, I see life from the energy.
"Indeed, it is the view of these teachings that the mind in its purest form, shorn of all ignorance and negativity, is inherently enlightened and replete with all the qualities one normally associates with enlightened beings such as the Buddhas. This pure primordial mind that precedes any manifestation of our own egocentric lives is said to be the very substance of reality."
The mind in its purest form, shorn of all ignorance and negativity can be compared to energy as I describe it in my theory. Although I do not agree that it is only negativity that it is exempt of. I will go so far as to say that the "mind" or energy as I deem it, is stripped of all ignorance and all emotion positive and negative in its most primordial form.
This gets into a discussion me and vincubus, my husband, had tonight. We were speaking about the theory and come to the discussion of "self awareness or self consciousness or mindfulness" and a Universal Consciousness or Universal Awareness or Universal Mindfulness". I believe that there is, upon the entrance of energy into the human brain (fetus stage) no self consciousness, no self awareness, and no mindfulness of the self. I believe that at this point, there is nothing but a Universal Conscoiusness that is linked to all the other energy in the whole of existence.
Self Consciousness/Self Awareness/Self Mindfulness is learned behavior, in my belief system here. I believe that the fetus that has now the collection of energy within the brain to make all the body function in balance for development is purely from Universal Consciousness.
Something interesting that my husband and I came up with, really a question, is this: What if independent energy, before collecting as a group does not have intelligence, but instinct and consciousness only? Then after it has experienced a lifetime or lifetimes, accumulates intelligence and stores it in memory. This would mean that energy could be put into groups, much like we group plants into species and genre. There would be energy that consists of nothing but consciousness and instinct; energy that consists of both instinct and intelligence and consciousness...etc. We could classify different classes of energy types assuming we are correct in thinking that primal independent energy only had instinct and consciousness.
There are a few questions to that question however: Where did this "instinct" and "consciousness" in the primal independent energy come from in the beginning (assuming there "is" a beginning) and why?
"Unfortunately, this primordial mind remains buried deep within our being for most of the time, unseen and unnoticed. Due to a dense overlay of spiritual ignorance, the various facets of enlightenment that are present in that mind, such as compassion, insight, tolerance, and so forth, can only reveal themselves in perverted and distorted manner. Thus, love becomes attachment and jealousy, compassion becomes hatred and anger, insight becomes opinionatedness and stupidity. These and other negative emotions then become the driving force for ever-greater egoism and spiritual poverty"
Reading this out of the book brought to mind a few things. The thoughts mostly question my own theory.
First off, Buddhism speaks of the primordial mind remaining buried deep within our being for most of the time. I believe this to be the Universal Consciousness that is inherited in all energy. The book states that due to a dense overlay of spiritual ignorance, the various facets of enlightenment that are present in the mind, such as compassion, insight, tolerance...etc can only reveal themselves in perverted and distorted manners. This is interesting because I believe all those to be learned behavior and thus become what spiritualists call "the ego" - that self awareness that develops in a child as they seek out independence from the people that raise them (mother and father in most cases).
The reason, according to my theory, why many people cannot access that Universal Consciousness - memories of past lives - memories of their birth - memories of past intelligence from past lives - the actual death/rebirth process inbetween lives; is because they have allowed this human ego to settle in and take over..thus the Universal Consciousness is put into the deepest facets of their existence and are very very hard to uncover after years of putting layer upon layer of Self Ego over it. In essence: We become individuals who we ourselves have created, thus we have created our own reality, person, experience, the moments of our lives, and everything that we believe, think, feel, and "are"....rather than letting the Universal Consciousness dictate it, we dictate it with our egos.
Then we have to consider the concept of emotion, which I will admit...perplexes me as much as vibration does. Why do we need emotion - what is its purpose? The compassion that Buddhism speaks of? Does emotion have a purpose to the objective of the Universe? Some may say that the objective of the Universe is nothing more than to find true happiness. To me, its just not that simple in my mind and I will find out.. someday somehow.. and hopefully sooner than later. This is truly something that I can honestly say "i dont know" on...I dont say that very often because usually I can come up with at least "some" rational explanation or at least an explanation however it. I cannot here.
The Purpose of Life/Existence
In the images above, I try to explain what I mean in this section.
The first image is of evolution of Human Beings according to Charles Darwin on his Theory of Evolution. For the purposes of this theory of energy, I am going to assume that Evolution happened in the way it is presented in the image I posted.
The second image is what I believe to be going on in the Universe with all that energy we are speaking of.
The top line in the image is The Universal Consciousness and Energy and is a fixed constant. It is always moving forward and never stopping. This is the "motor" of existence, according to my theory. It does not move forward or backward at this point.
[[[Does it have the ability to move time and is time even a factor? Can time be warped or is it fixed to move forward with the exception of memory and thought. How can it be fixed and move only forward if we can access the past through memory - a component of energy according to the theory]]]
The bottom line is the manifestations of the energy relating to humans. It shows that humans come closer with every evolutionary development including intelligence, knowledge, experience, physical appearance, technology, science...etc.
At point G in the image, this is where we have fully evolved to where we need no longer manifest as physical human beings. It is at this point, that I believe we start all over, only instead of starting as primordial energy with only instinct and consciousness, we start as energies that have intellect and consciousness from the start. What will we be gaining after we start all over...after we've achieved this one-ness with the Universal Consciousness again? *sigh...* once again.. I dont know but I intend to press my mind to find out.
Some thoughts have crossed my mind. In another thread someone stated that thinking of stuff like this should scare the "****" out of me. To an extent, it actually excites me because my mind fills with images of people that can move things from birth with their minds...being able to read each other's thoughts...being able to be "limitless" with their thinking...etc. Some questions that pop into mind are: would we need emotion? Would we need "time"? Would we need each other to evolve?
As far as emotion goes, I would assume that since we take everything from these lifetimes with us after we reconnect as one with the Universal every experience would be implanted in the energy that would carry through into that next stage...that emotion along with everything else would be carried over as well. I do not think that we would have a problem with human ego/self awareness because we would all be interconnected to that Universal Consciousness and able to access memories of anyone else at any given time at that point. Still, then again, what good would emotion be other for entertainment purposes at that point? Would we all be "enlightened" and thinking positive thoughts and positive emotions at that point or would it be even more dangerous with people thinking "sociopathically" wanting to destroy the new way of life/world..etc. Some thoughts to ponder on.
"From day to day, ordinary life is filled with beginnings and endings. As each moment passes, a new one appears to take its place. Waking up in the morning, we rise and go about our ordinary activities of washing, getting dressed, eating breakfst and so on. Nothing in life stands still. Movement and change are the very essence of life and yet our normal tendency is to believe that everything is fixed and solid. We wish to belive all that we see is real and secure, even though our ordinary experience tells us that nothing remains unchanged and nothing lasts forever. On the contrary, everything in the world around us in constantly falling apart and rquires a great deal of maintenance on our part if we wish to hold it together."
Einstein also stated this in a converstation with Rabindranath Tagore in Germany in 1930. Their conversation, soon published in the New York Times, shines a bright light on Einstein's position and throws it into sharp relief.
E: There are two different conceptions about the nature of the universe - the world as a unity dependent on humanity, and the world as reality independent of the human factor.
T: This world is a human world - the scientific view of it is also that of the scientific man. Therefore the world apart from us does not exist; it is a relative world, depending for its reality upon our consciousness.
E: Truth, then, or beauty, is not independent of man?
T: No.
E: IF there were no human beings any more, the Apollo Belvedere no longer would be beautiful?
T: No.
E: I agree with regard to this conception of beauty, but not with regard to truth.
T: Why not?
E: I cannot prove that my conception is right but that is my religion. The mind acknowledges realities outside of it, independent of it. For instance, nobody may be in this house, yet that table remains where it is.
T: Yes, it remains outside the individual mind, but not the universal mind. The table is that which is perceptible by some kind of consciousness we possess.
E: If nobody were in the house the table would exist all the same, but this is already illegitimate from your point of view, because we cannot explain what it means, that the table is there, independently of us...We attribute to truth a superhuman objectivity.
T: In any case, if there be any truth abstoltely unrelated to humanity, then for us it is absolutely non-existing.
E: Then I am more religious that you are!
Bohr's view of reality - and the views of some other quantum physicists - had more in common here with Tagore's view than with Einstein's. For quantum theory maintains, like Tagore, that reality is dependent on the observer. In Science, said Einstein, "we ought to be concerned solely with what nature does." Bohr, however, insisted that it was "wrong to think that the task of physics is to find out how nature "IS". Physics concerns what we can say about nature."
Tying these ideas into my theory, I can say that I agree with Einstein AND Bohr, but moreso Einstein because it is not the "IS" that is the issue.. it is the "how and why" that is least to me and in my theory. I dont like to believe that things around me are real. I like to think that everything around me is an optical illusion and thus my task is to find out how and why.. not what "is" because my eyes are deceiving me at this point.
(I so want to get to sleep but I am on a tangent and therefore I am going to remain up until my mind is satisfied with this)
"The state called here "the transitional phase" (Tibetan: "bardo") is the actual moment of change, occuring at the end of one phase and the beginning of the next. It is the state of flux itself, the only state that can really be called "real". It is a condition of great power and potential within which anything could happen. It is the moment between moments. It may seem to span an entire lifetime, like the moment between being born and dying, or it may be imperceptibly short and fleeting, like the moment between one thought and the next. Whatever its duration, however, it is a moment of great opportunity for those who perceive it."
I do not have a time limit for the time intellectual/conscious collections of energy leave the physical dead body and go back out into the "whole" of Universal Consciousness, and then regrouping with other collections of energies that go out to seek another fetus to inhabit. It is irrelevant at this point, however, when the Buddhists speak of the bardo, I tend to think of the various stages of evolution being "bardos".
I do not believe that time is fixed and solid. This for sure I can say I believe. I cannot prove it.. nor can anyone else at the present time.. but it is what I believe to be true at this point in.. well in "time" lol.
Now the question I pose is this: How does the energy, once it is released from the dead body and goes back out into the universal collection of energies, know what other energies to group with in order to create the human mind (after it groups with these energies and enters another fetus's brain to make it function). Does it have to do with similar memories of energy? This is another question that rolls through my mind throughout the day...every day.
This theory is still in progress and Ive added parts and stuff so feel free to discuss it with me. Again, It challenges many of the historical perceptions that have been lain down for us.....and Hopefully sometime in the future, I can make this into a more concrete/fixed theory.