@Patty phil,
Patty;53395 wrote:I have a fair amount of knowledge about them and I honestly find their doctrines absurd and unacceptable.
OMG! Are you refering to Plato and the rest of the stuff that you quoted? You find them "absurd and unacceptable"?!? So, you were just offering that crap in response to the OP? If this is the case, then my response shouldn't have bothered you. I'm sorry if it sounded personal, but you did post that garbage and I responded to
it (not 'you').
Patty;53395 wrote:The definition I offered was the metaphysics of Aristotle and Thomas aquinas. It's a shame you reacted like that.
It's not a shame at all, it is the reaction of critical examination to crap.
I dont care what or who's crap you quote. Your (
their) 'spooks and spirits' are just that much unsupportable crap. Plato was full of crap with his 'forms'. The quotes themselves ripe with cognitive errors, fallacies and ignorance of science. But, if you find them "absurd and unacceptable", so do I. Then why is it a 'shame' that I called a spade a spade? There seems to be a failure to communicate...
Quote:Obviously you have the wrong notion of universals because the question mentioned about platonic realism and nominalism,
Yet he offered a definition attempting the common (and therein lay the confusion);
u⋅ni⋅ver⋅sal –adjective
1. of, pertaining to, or characteristic of all or the whole: universal experience.
2. applicable everywhere or in all cases; general: a universal cure.
3. affecting, concerning, or involving all: universal military service.
4. used or understood by all: a universal language.
5. present everywhere: the universal calm of southern seas.
6. versed in or embracing many or all skills, branches of learning, etc.: Leonardo da Vinci was a universal genius.
7. of or pertaining to the universe, all nature, or all existing things: universal cause.
8. characterizing all or most members of a class; generic.
9. Logic. (of a proposition) asserted of every member of a class.
10. Linguistics. found in all languages or belonging to the human language faculty.
11. Machinery. noting any of various machines, tools, or devices widely adaptable in position, range of use, etc.
12. Metalworking. a. (of metal plates and shapes) rolled in a universal mill.
b. (of a rolling mill or rolling method) having or employing vertical edging rolls.
13. something that may be applied throughout the universe to many things, usually thought of as an entity that can be in many places at the same time.
14. a trait, characteristic, or property, as distinguished from a particular individual or event, that can be possessed in common, as the care of a mother for her young.
15. Logic. a universal proposition.
16. Philosophy. a. a general term or concept or the generic nature that such a term signifies; a Platonic idea or Aristotelian form.
b. an entity that remains unchanged in character in a series of changes or changing relations.
c. Hegelianism. concrete universal.
17. language universal.
18. Machinery. universal joint
And then "mentioned about platonic realism and nominalism". There were mixed messeges.
Quote:It simply is about ontological value of universals...
"Value"? To whom? I'd imagine that something only has "ontological value" (odd phrase) if it is true/real/universal, the 'value' being in it's very existence. Value? To whom does reality/truth need to benefit to have 'value'?
Quote:I don't know what alarmed you that much.
Not alarmed, bad day. Dental.
Quote:It's annoying when you said my post don't belong in the metaphysics section...
Apologies. You are right. I was being judgemental of the quality of the thought, but, even though that stuff is crap, it is still (thought) considered (classical) philosophy and certainly belongs here (to be refuted and dismissed again and again and again...).
Nothing personal intended.
(That 'invisible spook' stuff is stretching it a bit, IMO (even
with the pain meds).)