@re turner jr,
:detective:1."Clock" is a fixed mathematical tool which guages observable and non-observable change from 12am-12pm Jan-Dec, apon a fixed "Time Line" (Yearly Scale).
And therefore a "Time Line" is a record of change/non-change from a single point of change/non-change within the "Clock System", and therefore "Time" is just the observation/non-obervation of change/non-change within the "Clock System"
Yet a thing that dose not change in anyway, shape, or form in its states of existence, will still have a "age" if applied to the "clock system" regaurdless of no change's in its state's of existence.
The Three State's Of Change.
1.What a thing was. (Past)
2.What a thing is. (Present)
3.What a thing will be. (Future)
It seem's these comments in this thread are simply repeats of other threads about time...
Yet to non-circularly define time?
Due to the fact that the "clock system" repeats the cycle of the future becoming the present as the present becoming the past, seems to be not possible unless to do.
:detective:It seem's like this question is a question that makes you think of what it is, by asking you a question about what it cant be. (Somthing I would do as a teacher)
:rolleyes:So to answer that question and get that extra cred, you would have to logicaly denote that the future dosnt become the present and the present dosnt become the past, since that is the cycle.
"How can you define time as non-circular?"
:)Here's a hint for the answer of that question
What kind of time can be made to not complet that cycle?
Where dose a line end?
(*note:rolleyes: I will answer it on monday if someone dosent)