It's not that it is an alternate environment at all, it's that your perspective on this environment has changed. Your physical body is also a part of this environment, but your perspective and senses have adapted in a context where things need to appear separate, as this is the most efficient way of perceiving things in our physical form. Now, when we leave behind our physical body, no such perceptive restrictions exist, we can very easily open our subconscious mind, which understands the universe on a much deeper level. It is said, that upon death, we have a great mental awakening and transformation, that is unnecessary while in our physical form, so you might say, that the only only adaption needed without a physical body, is conscious understanding of the reality and environment we exist in, as you say, there is a good deal that is not immediately apparent about consciousness and reality. Anyway, since I have only ever achieved a conscious OBE for a split second, and I can hardly recall the wonderful sensations I felt, I can not really give you an example of how communication with our fellow environment works, although I'm sure my subconscious could describe things a lot better if I had access to it, but I can give you what I think are examples of the process in action, they are things like: telepathy, remote viewing, psychokinesis/telekinesis etc. The enormous sensory perception gained is an outcome of understanding things at the most fundamental level, and being able to receive, understand, tap into, and feel the energy that flows in and out of your being, which is why a lot of these skills can be gained while still in your physical form. They aren't as much senses as just being able to understand, receive and give energies to your fellow environment. It's really hard to explain my thoughts on the subject, but I hope you made some sense of that...I was writing a paper on how the mind can manipulate reality, how the universe is an extremely complex, chaotic "web" of interconnected energy, and how we can extract energy from what I like to call "the Aether of nothingness", which is where all the energy in our universe came from. I used the following analogy:
"Remember that one little change in a chaotic system (a change in thought) will result in big changes throughout the whole system, your change will resonate throughout the system, down it's limbs, into it's roots and finally into the Aether of nothingness from which the tree of life sucks it's essence"