Enforced Logic - Reality and "Magic"

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Reply Sun 5 Oct, 2008 06:55 am

This paper is an attempt to simplify the complex, make sense of the senseless, find truth in an illusion. It is based only on the logical truth behind all cults, religions, and sciences. I am warning readers now that this paper will reveal theories that might shake your perspectives on reality and is not for those who are childish, need guardianship or show any other act of dependence, in other words you need to be open minded and logical about things, and being logical means being mature, open minded, kind and respective. All energy released, whether negative or positive will come back to you in one form or another. This is said in almost all religions and cults, some call it karma, others might see it as punishment from a god but most scientists see no rational explanation for such phenomena and disregard one of the most important laws of the universe. So as a more knowledgeable person might say, "do or think nothing unto others that which you would not want done unto you". Not to bore you with this stuff but I once was a criminal and I can tell you that no good will ever come from such activities. This is the same as physically or mentally harming someone directly, no good will come of hate and anger, it will only stunt man kinds development. I just wanted to say these things now and warn you of the consequences so I can get into it.

We live in a day and age where science and religion has stripped us of freedom. We are trapped by society, standing at the base of the mountain. Some have seen past the fog of predictability and rationality but time, space and energy are hard to contemplate, but look deep enough and the truth is slowly made clear. There are people who can bend metal with there minds, heat things without touching them, see things across the other side of the world without leaving the room, this has all been scientifically tested and proven so deal with it. Open your mind, don't become trapped in the reality society has confined us too. What are you scared of? Quantum physics proves it, every experience in my life proves it when the right logic is used to examine it. The possibilities are endless and it may sound ridiculous but only to those who aren't very educated. We all slowly come to realize how naive we once were. Yes, I realize it is contradictory, and I know my theories could be wrong. I only include this part to "enforce" atheists and materialists into re-thinking things, that's the point, we will always re-think things and realize the mistakes we've made, if we lived forever we would forever improve ourselves. If you think your hand is solid, let me shatter that thought for you, atoms are actually 99.999% empty space, and the particles that make you up are semi-existent. If you believe we are the only living, thinking beings in the universe think again. If you think we are the only universe in existence think again. Anyway lets get into it.

I have studied general physics, quantum and particle physics, modern day magic "chaos magick" backed by scientific theory and chaos mathematics, plus numerous other cults and religions. I can only come to one conclusion. It is undeniable. We can manipulate reality with our minds. Our mind can effect the outcomes of reality, even if this outcome is supposedly random. I will first describe to you my model of "reality" and how the mind can be used to manipulate the system. The mind is essentially a part of this system, evolving out of nothing, through pure probability. Also I am assuming throughout this paper that energy, particles, electro-magnetic radiation and all forces really are the same thing just in different states.

Lets start with some knowledge. It is seen in chaos mathematics that a totally probabilistic system can form patterns, and that one tiny change anywhere in the system will have drastic implications on the whole system. Also, these "particles" that make up atoms are partially in existence, popping in and out of existence and traveling in a probabilistic wave like motion. They only exist based on probability, constantly borrowing and paying back energy, a bit like your television screen, it flashes so fast it looks "solid". Experiments have proven that energy is constantly appearing and disappearing, even in a vacuum containing not a single atom. The point is that everything we see is the result of one thing, just a very complex system of energetic movements, but at some point the system is only the warping and fluxing of one thing, nothingness.

Was the big bang the beginning of space and time? This is the assumption scientists make today. OK. So if I travel to the end of the universe will I find an end, a brick wall? Of course not there will be something behind the brick wall, even if it's nothing I can keep going further. Then lets say I turn around, I could also travel forever in that direction. Now lets look at time, was there a start? Huh, but what's before that? There had to be something, see what I'm saying? Don't let the idea seem abstract because numbers go for ever in a linear fashion as does time, if you now start counting backwards you can go forever. So time is infinite, has and always will flow. We can also say time will go forever because even if the universe imploded and there was nothing left at all, time would still pass, random energy fluxes in the fabric of nothing would take place and a new universe would eventually form when the right interactions between these random energy fluxes occurs, setting up a stable system that doesn't rapidly decay back into nothing. We truly did come from nothing, and from this nothing we can draw energy. This is what they call zero-point energy in modern theory, I don't think scientists really understand it, all I know is that they say it is energy extracted from the quantum foam. What I have described is the Quantum foam they refer to ("quantum foam", Aether of nothingness, or just Aether, they all mean the same thing throughout this paper). About an hour after first posting this paper I came across a post in a metaphysics forum where someone had given perfect description of what took me hours:

"What I do know about time comes from my own mystical experiences. And what I know is this: There is such a thing as 'Pure Motion'. No light, no sound but pure unadulterated motion amidst the purest of what I can only describe as absolute 'Darkness'." Unknown Author

Can energy appear from nothing? If so, does this energy really exist? You can't pull something from nothing, but what are the chances of absolutely nothing happening? So these virtual energy fluctuation's happen by inevitable chances, being only virtual because chances force them to virtually exist. But what happens when they begin interacting with each other? These "burps" of virtual energy, zipping around and interacting with one another started to show patterns arising from pure probability. I won't get into detail, but by extremely rare chances stability presents itself and the virtual energy involved instantly becomes more real (not totally "real" but not virtual), being unable to decay back into nothing it becomes trapped, bound, losing a level of flexibility, gaining certainty, becoming a "particle". Now let us say two of these "particles" as we call them interact to form a new stable system on top of the old, building upon it, again the probability of such an occurrence being even slimmer, giving this level more certainty. Can you see what I'm saying? As the chances of existence decreases, the certainty of such systems will increase, the virtual will slowly become "real" (really it's semi-existent will slowly become more existant but it sounds better the other way). EACH LEVEL of the system will grow in complexity and certainty (eventually forming elements, forces etc) but not the system as a whole, going backwards looking into atoms you lose certainty at each level (Heisenberg's Uncertainty Principle states that you cannot measure the position and momentum of an electron at the same time). This explains why the interference pattern caused by electrons (because they are a wave and a particle at the same time) is more measurable than larger objects composed of millions of atoms containing probably billions of electrons. The single electron has less certainty, it is able to exist in more than one place at one time and can interfere with itself (lookup the double-slit experiment). When scientists dig deep enough they will literally find nothing, they will rip apart some semi-existent particles and be left with nothing as the resulting virtual energy rapidly decays.

Back to growth, lets say we now have a few of these basic particles and they start attracting each other, "clumping" together, eventually the system will become so large it becomes unstable and explodes, shooting basic particles outwards, much like a big bang, but they were all once bound in a single system, this extra binding is converted into some more complex particles and forces, but all remain bound in some way. Slowly things build up into a universe, slowly life occurs and evolves, inevitably resulting in the spawn of man kinds self awareness, not to mention the countless aliens. There is an infinite amount of space and infinite chances, universes will form in an infinite amount of places in the infinite space available. There may be an infinite amount of universes, but each is finite, there are an infinite amount of numbers but each have finite values. The modern day big bing theory can describe what happened after the explosion but not before it.

I have rabbled on and haven't really explained how this entwines with magic. Well as you may have realized the systems of reality are totally random, probabilistic and some what chaotic. Basically, when you make a decision you are enforcing certainty, choosing one or the other, if you feel certain it will happen you are enforcing certainty. Your brain and thoughts are essentially a part of the system, you are made of the particles and atoms that form out of the way I have described, and all systems are essentially connected is some way, so you can gain "root" access if you know how the system works. Your enforcement of certainty can change the outcome of the certainties that make up the system, you add to the equation your certainties, and change the overall outcome. The certainties that make up the system are formed through random occurrences, they are chaotic, but your conscious mind changes the picture. You can enforce certainty, belief is the key, if you are 100% certain you can lift a pen with your mind it will happen. Your thoughts are virtual in a sense and will manifest out of the "Quantum foam" if you enforce enough certainty into the equation. Are you thinking about all the things you have heard about truly believing to make things happen or where people lift cars to save loved ones? You should be. You should try to make the connections, think about things most don't. They can lift the car because it is in the heat of the moment, time will slow down and they will have nothing in their mind except saving that person, nothing else, no thought whispering "this will never work it goes against everything you know" and so it works. From theory comes reality. The person believes that they will save their loved one and their mind extracts from the Aether the extra energy required to lift that car and overcome gravity, although if they knew how, they could have given the energy in the car back to the aether to destroy the car. If our thoughts are powerful enough and concentrated in the right way, the system will show changes that may seem external but are actually very connected to you and responsive to your input. Remember that one little change in a chaotic system (a change in thought) will result in big changes throughout the whole system, your change will resonate through the system, down it's limbs, into it's roots and finally into the aether of nothingness from which the tree of life sucks it's essence. Put the whole process in one easy statement: when you believe, you are adding to the equation your beliefs, your certainty, you can add your certainty into the outcome of any system because all systems are connected, chaotic and probabilistic, but patterns come from randomness, forming a particle say, the particle is the sum total of random probabilities, your certainty will change the sum total and the overall particle, you add your own probabilities, changing the final outcome, being conscious allows you to enforce probabilities that wouldn't normally exist. Any extra energy required to stabilize this new state will be extracted from the "quantum foam" or from existing systems. So in this way we can manipulate reality (not create our entire reality like some quantum physicists may say) and manifest realities from the Aether of nothing. You can take from it, add to it, and change it. Changing a system of reality is very different to manifesting a reality, changing a system usually means giving or taking Aetheric energy from a system. When giving, you can pass on your own energy, extract energy from surrounding systems then pass it on or channel energy directly from the aether and pass it on, using it as you obtain it, but it must first go to you, from you the energy will flow along the fundamental connections that bind us all into one system and into the desired system, the opposite happens when extracting energy from a system. When taking from a system you can expel excess energy back into the aether. When manifesting realities, the same process takes place as when giving to a system but you start with nothing.

Lets talk about auras in relation to manipulating reality. The stronger minded person will have a stronger aura, using subconscious enforcement they are changing the normal outcome of every cell in their body for a healthier or better looking outcome. By changing the outcome they have enforced a system different from the original. This system may have a different energy volume, so to achieve this, energy must be taken from or released into the Aether of nothing when using enforcement. This produces an aura. So in simpler terms if you had a rock you could take or give energy (mass=energy) from it using enforcement. If you had an aura measuring kit you could measure the mass lost or gained by the change in aura strength or color, whatever you would measure it in. A rock normally wouldn't have an aura if no one was concentrating because it it at it's normal, randomly stable state, not changing much. Now lets say I wanted to levitate. I can measure the energy of my system as my mass volume times my distance from Earth (I am considering me and the planet as one system since we are connected). So in floating my distance and energy level changes, the energy level of the whole system changes (me and the planet). The difference in energy is the total energy I would need to extract in order to float to a given height and energize my system to the required state. I can slowly extract energy, floating to the required height. Once at that state no extra energy is needed. I could meditate there all day. Also there are no forces acting horizontally (if you negate air friction) I can float around parallel to the ground without expending energy, all I need is the power of enforcement (really, because everything in our universe is connected, you are changing the state of the system on a larger scale and will need energy traveling in any direction, but less horizontally, also, energy is required just in). I could also start at the top of a building and slowly release energy from my system, floating to the bottom. By the way there isn't much energy required in overcoming gravity but it comes down to getting energy not getting enough of it. There are situations that require more energy than usual, such as teleportation, since you are wanting to change the system quickly (your position), a sudden burst of energy is required, this is where the art of attaining enough energy might be more necessary.

We always have an aura because we are living beings, always changing, learning, thinking, growing and "enforcing". But wouldn't I need energy to move into a higher state and increase my intelligence and health? Yes, this is why I conclude that the aura is a signal to what energies we are drawing in. Eating provides a natural process of extracting energy from existing systems (food), not from the Aether. Remember evolution built it into all animals by a random process of survival of the fittest. It can provide the energy we use to grow physically on a cellular level but do you think it could benefit you on an atomic scale or provide mental growth? Thoughts require Aetheric energy, they are the flow of Aetheric energy and increasing the complexity of your thoughts requires even more Aetheric energy. We advance quickest in our dreams or in meditation because the spirit leaves the body in a subconscious state and tunes into the "Aether world". So we draw in Aetheric energies subconsciously but the conscious can too. The conscious does it all the time, your mind is rapidly moving from thought to thought, changing, I think you see what I'm getting at but when you have a thought it usually stays on the same subject for a while, the changes are always small and similar until you move on to a totally different thought. This is how the mood of a person can be read from their aura, the similar energies they draw through the similar changes in similar thought, if you get what I mean.

Though excess energies may be released, say if you were extremely angry, how does this work? Have you heard the stories about weird looking electricity surround power lines at the moment they are switched on, then disappearing? The state of flowing power is a lot more energetic, so energy is drawn from the "quantum foam" to account for the difference, but energy is also required in getting it to that state, you can't build a house without a crane, so when the power is flowing it no longer needs this extra energy required in making it start, the crane goes home after building the house, and thus a pure form of Aetheric energy is released. Look at it terms of work and energy, the change in potential energy is equal to the work applied but what applied the work, a motor? That motor is made up of energy. Since the energy difference is so great this motor needs a fair few kilowatts, a lot of energy is released and men used to get shocked and killed by this sudden release of energy when they were too close. Keep this in mind when manipulating realities. So some advice before I go is to learn how to draw energy from the Aether of nothing or "quantum foam" because as a spirit you will exist in a very basic form of energy not having a physical body to chemically extract energy from the universe. You will need energy in traveling or trying to advance your mental state, in fact your mental state is constantly changing, so unless you can keep your mental state constant and don't move at all you will use all the energy in your being eventually and evaporate. Might be why we don't see many ghosts, not many achieve the skill. I will let you figure this last one out on your own. Why do rooms sometimes go cold when powerful spirits make an appearance? Clue: Heat=Energy. Nah, I'll tell you. If the ghost wanted to become visible or move something, it will draw in energy from the surrounding systems, such as warm particles in the air, to increase the density of the energy making up the ghost, making it more visible. If it wanted to move the object, it would use the energy it had gained and put it into the object, manipulating its state. It draws energy from existing systems and not the aether because this is much easier, the energy already exists, lowering the level of certainty required. I hope this has opened some minds out there and I hope It wasn't to hard to understand, I tried to keep it simple so every one could try to contemplate such ideas and concepts. My next article will concentrate more on spirits and the afterlife.


In no way do I direct the comment "what are you scared of" towards scientists. Scientists are looking for the answers, uncovering how our world works, while loosening the grip religion holds on us. Also, I am not implying everyone needs a change in mindset it is guide for those experimenting with such ideas. I was also directing the alien part at people who think they are so special to be the only one with the privilege of life. But science isn't without it's set backs, it is bound by its own rules, restricted to the conditioned mind, needing a change in perspective, just by saying the big bang was the start of time you have closed your mind from opening every door in the house. Also I am not hijacking science to help my "beliefs", they are not religious beliefs if that's what you think, I am purely scientific and logical, but open minded, enabling me too dig into the heart of reality, if you say I haven't thought enough about it, if you believe you cannot make yourself levitate or leave your physical body you haven't thought about it long enough, you haven't looked at all the possibilities. I am trying to show the science behind magic, not tear science apart. Science has proven a lot of these things and is slowly revealing more, here are a few facts: a man in Russia can bend things with his mind, he has been around for a while. Several astronauts working for NASA have admitted to seeing alien spacecrafts, NASA has released footage of such occurrences and professionals are unable to explain them, they say the only explanation is that they are highly quantized energy crafts, my explanation is they are energy crafts manipulated by the aliens minds, or they are just an energy mind, a mind made of aetheric energy, a spirit. A man in Australia recently built a zero-point generator that runs forever, requiring no fuel. Quantum and Particle physicists have done tests with random number generators and have shown how a person can "enforce their will" to influence the results in the out come of these number generators, it worked. A few thousand monks lowered the crime rates of a major American city by gathering and meditating in the city, the crime rates dropped by 25% and the Chief Executive Officer of the police department became an author in the study, and for years laboratories have taught astral projection, but I don't need proof about ghosts because I have seen one, and my dead grandfather killed my grandmothers unborn baby after he died at war and she re-married. She used one of those Ouija boards and the room went cold after asking what gender her new baby would be. The board answered NO and her baby died a week later. For those who ask me to explain magic without coming up with some ridiculous theory, I can't, and I only explained the formation of the universe to get across some ideas, my theory doesn't require it, and it could be wrong. My theory would work if the following was correct:

-everything is connected in some way
-everything exists based on probability
-a conscious mind can change the outcome of random events
-as you look into any system you lose certainty
-there is an eather and it contains potential energy

Now lets review a few rules of Quantum physics
-all particles are popping in and out of existence
-any particle can exist in more than one place at any one time.
-any particle is also simultaneously existing as a wave
-at some level everything is connected
-the observer can collapse the wave function of such particle waves simply by observing it
-a particle may interfere with its self
-only certain energy levels within the protons, electron orbits or even within a lattice structure are allowed
-energy and mass are interchangeable
-empty space fluctuates with activity.

Some physicists refer to the wave nature of a particle as the probability waves, they are the positional probability waves and they either constructively or destructively interfere with other positional probability waves to change the resultant position. Thus the two slit experiment shows one electron interfering with its self because its positional wave is spread out spherically, wide enough to seep through both slits and it will act much like the simple water version from this point, two little probability waves will come from the slits and interfere with each other, the probabilities are combined and a resultant position is determined for the electron, and because probability fluctuates as a wave an interference pattern on the screen behind will form. Now the scientists put a camera next to the slits to see which one it actually went through and it goes back to acting like a normal particle, producing a predictable two slit pattern, lacking any wave characteristics. Could it be that the scientists were certain that they would see which slit it went through, that they enforced it onto one path, instead of it existing in multiple places and interfering with itself, did you also notice how the much "realer" the particles became when certainty was enforced. There are a trillion ways it might be possible to bend a spoon with only the mind. I have only stated One. All objects seem like they are separate, a rock is a rock, but is it that simple? The worlds an extremely complex place and there are a lot of things we have yet to understand. I will leave it there.

"there are an infinite amount of possibilities and yet we are confined to the most likely of them"

Cheers, GHOST

Reply Sun 5 Oct, 2008 07:31 am
@GHOST phil,
" Stop being so freakin close minded and trapped in the reality society has confined you too. "
So much for respectful... The reason people realize how naive they are is because they had never considered the possibility that what they had thought at the time could have been wrong wrong. It's somewhat hypocritical, to say people eventually realize how naive they are, tell them to open their minds, and state an entire list of your "ideas" as fact.
Who exactly are you to say that? Are you immune to being wrong, now that you've found something new to feel right about, unlike anyone else?
Reply Sun 5 Oct, 2008 09:06 am
" I hope this has opened some minds out there and I hope It wasn't to hard to understand, I tried to keep it simple so every one could try to contemplate such ideas and concepts."

I am sure we all appreciate your keeping these opinions as simple as possible for our unsubtle minds. But by doing so, and by stringing together nebulous concepts ("
Thoughts require Aetheric energy") without any sort of argumentative and logical structure, these opinions are extremely hard to follow.

GHOST phil
Reply Sun 5 Oct, 2008 09:50 am
Yes, I realize it is hypocritical, and I know I could be wrong. I was only including that part to "enforce" athiests and materialists like youself into re-thinking things, that's the point, we should always re-think things and realize the mistakes we've made, if we lived forever we would forever improve ourselves. Oh, and I clearly explained why thoughts require energy, they are rapidly alternating between energy levels.
Reply Sun 5 Oct, 2008 10:02 am
@GHOST phil,
Way, to generalize. So being an Atheist automatically makes us materialist, as well as in dire need of your wisdom? What exactly would be your reasoning behind posting something like "There are people who can bend metal with there minds, project their spirit out of their body and travel around the universe, see things across the other side of the world without leaving the room, this has all been scientifically tested and proven so deal with it." iin a forum filled with people you KNOW are going to disagree, if you know you could be wrong, and your ONLY trying to teach them to "open their minds"? Did ever occur to you that I, as well as others HAVE thought things through, and that this is the conclusion we came up with? Hint: If you think enough of yourself that you find it your responsibility to teach others that they're thinking wrong you're probably not one to speak of thinking out of the box.
GHOST phil
Reply Sun 5 Oct, 2008 10:21 am
I wasn't implying you were a materialist as well, and I thought a forum on metaphysics would be quite appropriate for my theories, and you can come to whatever conclusions you want. Also I am not saying any one is in need of my wisdom, or a change in mindset, it is guide for those experimenting with such ideas.
Reply Sun 5 Oct, 2008 10:26 am
@GHOST phil,
"I was only including that part to "enforce" athiests and materialists like youself into re-thinking things, that's the point, we should always re-think things and realize the mistakes we've made, if we lived forever we would forever improve ourselves."
What makes you think Atheists, "and" materialists are in desperate need of your all-knowing wisdom, of flying people, and mind bendable metals? Are Athiests the only ones who could possibly lack your capacity for 'reason'?
Way to generalize entire groups of people, smart one.
GHOST phil
Reply Sun 5 Oct, 2008 10:35 am
Yes, I will try to "enforce" my point of view but I am not trying to say it is essential, is teleportation or levitation essential, I think not.

Why don't you look for problems in my theory rather than problems in my ethics and reasons for writing it.
Reply Sun 5 Oct, 2008 10:47 am
@GHOST phil,
And, who exactly are you to "enforce" anything, let alone a belief on someone else?
" Stop being so freakin close minded and trapped in the reality society has confined you too. "
And now you say your trying "enforce" Atheists, and materialists like myself (Btw, if you "weren't" calling me a materialist, purhaps you shouldn't have said it) To Re-think things. Has it never crossed your mind that people HAVE re-thought theories, and that it's possible for someone to openly, and intelligently come up with a different conclusion than you?
What exactly makes you find it to be your responsibility to tell 'atheists like myself' that they are thinking wrong? Way to generalize.
Reply Sun 5 Oct, 2008 10:52 am
@GHOST phil,
Purhaps if you weren't full of baseless statements there would be something to debate. Were exactly is it proven that people can fly? Would we not have noticed the ability by now?
GHOST phil
Reply Sun 5 Oct, 2008 10:55 am
Lets stop with the enforcing thing OK, you can believe whatever you want, no one knows the 100% truth and I am telling my theories because I want them heard, not to enforce everyone into thinking my way, I could be wrong. If I did that I would be doing what religion and science has already done.

I never said levitation was proven. There are none powerful enough these days, there have been in the past and there will be again though...
Reply Sun 5 Oct, 2008 10:59 am
@GHOST phil,
Maybe if you didn't bring up generalized streriotypes, and superiorized comments, I wouldn't be calling you on it.
If "know" one knows the 100% truth why were listing your "ideas" in the post as fact?

Now theres an interesting rationalization. I suppose the reasons the rest of your beliefs can't be proven are going to be that conveniently undisprovable as well?
GHOST phil
Reply Sun 5 Oct, 2008 11:10 am
These I stated as facts:

-There is a man who can bend things with his mind
-zero-point energy has been extracted by science using machines
-the electron is a particle-wave, popping in and out of existence (as are all particles)
-there are laboratories where scientists teach people how to release their spirit from their physical body, though they can't scientifically prove the existence of a soul, but they have proven that people can see things across the world without leaving the room.
-The mind can affect the outcome of random number generators (not enough evidence on crime rates I don't think)
-energy is present in empty space
Reply Sun 5 Oct, 2008 11:11 am
@GHOST phil,
Ok then. Prove them.
GHOST phil
Reply Sun 5 Oct, 2008 11:14 am
They are known facts! Do some research. The hardest to prove is the man but there is a video on youtube (there are a lot but most are fake) of this man on a T.V program where he bends a spoon. The show he is on is legitimate and are doing an interview on him.

the rest are easy facts to prove
Reply Sun 5 Oct, 2008 11:17 am
@GHOST phil,
Oh, wow... you think a youtube video is proof? If it's known FACTS, then why not offer some legitimate sources for you information.. ?
GHOST phil
Reply Sun 5 Oct, 2008 11:22 am
Yeah, that one case might not be the most reliable but the rest are.
Also in the genius book of world record there is a man who can heat things without touching them. Huh? Won't believe it till you see it? Buy some DVD's of it and you might get lucky. Probably only one DVD lol.
Reply Sun 5 Oct, 2008 11:24 am
@GHOST phil,
Get lucky..? Why don't you just offer actual sources. If it KNOWN FACTS it must be on all sorts of legitimate scientific websites, hmm?
Reply Sun 5 Oct, 2008 11:32 am
@GHOST phil,
GHOST wrote:
the rest are easy facts to prove

You know, I don't much care whether they are easy to prove. But please, provide for me a rational explanation why a human being can bend a spoon with his mind without inventing some hypothetical terms which nobody will care to believe or listen to.

(Right now I don't believe you, for the record).

:poke-eye:. I think this might be appropriate.Very Happy

As long as you are using logic you know, that will make me believe you.:a-ok:


GHOST phil
Reply Sun 5 Oct, 2008 11:37 am
OK, here are some links you might find useful:

Wave?particle duality - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia (also contains the uncertainty principle and a bit on how the observer collapses the wave function)

these are all from a movie on quantum physics and reality :

wave-particle duality

Random number Generators

The one about lowering crime rates is also on that movie. I suggest you watch all clips. You may learn a thing or two.

YouTube - FREE ENERGY Home Generator -Zero Point Energy - Off the Grid

Remote Viewing

YouTube - CIA Remote Viewing Program, Mind control, precognition

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