(1) You have not demonstrated that the future exists; you have said that the future exists.
(2) What does it mean for an cosmonaut to travel into the future? Could he tell me who will win the lottery if he stayed in orbit long enough? Did the cosmonaut experience something which had not yet happened? Relativity deals with 'time travel' as a issue of perspective, not cartoon style time travel. If the experience of time is relative to one's perspective (velocity for example), there is no absolute Time through which one could travel. Rather, people just experience their own experiences (or could if travelling fast enough) at different rates. Bringing this back to earth; that experience is still present experience. No one could experience their own future; that is NONSENSE, once again. By NONSENSE, I mean that that statement has no meaning. It is like this; 'the dog is waved yellow'. That has a subject and a verb, but it dosen't mean anything.
(3) If you are to claim that A causes B, you have to know how A causes B. More importantly, there has to be the possibility of A causing B. Science asserts that every effect has a cause. Science only deals in physical things. Equations and quantitative analyses are innaplicable to the feeling of warmth, e.g. Science can only deal in molecules, atoms, photons, electrons, etc.
You assert that the cause of consciousness is the physical brain. I ask you to explain how this might occur even hypothetically, using empirical science. In other words, explain the causation with reference only to physical objects. O, you can't? That is because the last item on the would-be causal chain is not a physical thing. Science only accounts for physical things.
(4) If you think I have read too much Descartes, you have read too little. I'm not advocating cartesian dualism. I am opposing the purely physical/objective/empiric world-view with a purely subjective/individual/existential world-view.