Holiday20310401;23848 wrote:This is what I don't get. Sure reality is based on actuality, but it isn't all of it, even though actuality is monistic.
All i can offer in this response is 'this' Perspective. The world that I see, that i perceive. A Perspective that is as unique as the world manifested to/as this Perspective. I am not 'selling' it. It is sufficient in it's existence. As is youPerspective. I think that if I can offer some definitions, as I see them, you might better understand what I offer.
First, I'd have to take exception with your assertion that 'actuality' is 'monistic'. Whatever is perceived, is actual reality
to the Perceiver, the 'Perspective', 'you/me/him/it..'. Now! Every moment. For us each and all, our actual reality is our entire universe, each moment.
Our universes, not
the universes. We are one and the same with the universes as perceived by us. We arise, in/as the moment, along with/as the momentarily perceived universe, the universe of Now!
Existence is dualistic. Contextual. Everything exists. If, by 'actual' you mean the individually uniquely perceived universes of the Now! Then actuality is, must be 'contextual'.
Interesting note; if there is any ___ that is 'monistic', One,
'perfectly symmetrical', then there, by definition, cannot be anything else! Ever! 'Anywhere'!
"Reality must rigidly adhere to that which is in an unchanging state of universal permanence." -Vedas
That defines 'perfect symmetry', which can have no qualities or features of any sort (acontextual, non-dual).
That also, oddly enough, defines 'Consciousness/Mind'. Without the 'limiting factor' of Perspective, 'Consciousness' cannot be 'Conscious' of Mind. (No features.) We are the Perspectives of One Consciousness, each unique, upon One Mind (perfect symmetry. unfifferentiated potential).
Quote:But what is the force putting monistic to dualistic.
Limited Perspectives, us. Our glance limits the 'completeness' of an undetectable perfectly symmetrical Mind into bite sized (now contextual, duality) chunks (our universes at every moment of perception).
See, nothing really changes, it's just a matter of Perspective...
Quote:Potentiality right? ~ which resides in the consciousness?
Mind = quantum probability wave field =
undifferentiated potential... That is 'potential', Mind. But that 'potential' cannot be actualized, perceived, but by each and every possible Perspective. We just think in terms of 'potential' due to 'our' limited Perspectives. We do not 'see' the correlation of all Perspectives, as we are 'limitations'. All is in Consciousness, though. Consciousness observes us as POVs of Mind. Nothing... ever... changes, nor can change as "Reality" is 'monistic', and there can be nothing happening (features, qualities...)
Quote: It leaves the possibility for actuality to be broken down into subsections that imply actuality as a whole(not that actuality is literally like this), but still not exactly the whole of actuality.
We might be seen as subsectional actualities, but additionally, all of the 'subsets' annihilate immediately upon arising because 'Reality' cannot be dualistically 'actual'; '1' + '1' + '1' + '1'.... = 0
Quote:When a piece of actuality is related to, it is no longer the whole of actuality,
It is the 'whole' of
your actual reality. I have shown, basically, why thetre can be no
'the' actual reality, but there can be 'our' actual realities. All different universes...
's it for now..