Holiday20310401;22479 wrote:I feel like I've been thrown in mud through the crap taught in school sometimes. I mean do they just think students are stupid or something, like we can't handle the actual way things are?
Teachers teach what they are told, what they know and have been taught. It is up to you to use the (taught) ability to read and to think to educate yourself. And that education, with its constant 'critical updates' and critical examinations, 'never' end.
We are taught much obsolete and nonsensical crap in the 'sacred halls' of academe. When my kids were in school, I was right on top of it! I was in school often and had a close relationship with the 'teachers' and material being 'taught'. Ultimately, I am/was my childrens primary teacher, and also my own!
If one learns nothing more at school than to play nicely, to share one's toys, not to hit and to read, one has a good start on one's continuing education.