I see what you are saying. But for me I like the idea of Aware/mass given life by the influenced of the speed of light, twice, creating energy. It's not so much what you are implying that gets me, its how what you are implying that got my mind once again seeking more. Thanks.
You must understand one thing about me. I believe that all that happen since the so called Big Bang has been documented by others thoroughly and with strong incites. Where I philosophy is, before the Big Bang. I philosophy about what happened in the very beginning that created the womb/medium that the "singularity" expanded into.
Thanks for the perspective you wrote on my philosophy. I have not read or heard of most of the philosophers spoken of in here. But I am enjoying looking them up, as they are mention here.
I like what and agree with what Einstein wrote about Spinoza. Einstein wrote: "I believe in Spinoza's God who reveals himself in the orderly harmony of what exists, not in a God who concerns himself with fates and actions of human beings"
As for Schopenhauer, I do not agree with what I have read so far. He sounds like an "unthinking reactionary" to me. Or, as the biographer wrote: " Now, whether his pessimism turned him into an ugly person, or whether its just a case of an ugly person adopting the philosophy of pessimism; -- I have no idea." I especially disagree with the premise that man does not have free will, only the creator. I believe as the teachings attributed to Jesus teach, that we are like our father in heaven. Being like, or like an individualized persona of the creator, we have the will to do as we are able.
Now for Einstein. I'm am total in tune with his philosophy that is evident in all his quotes. Also, being conceived within weeks of his death, gives me a feeling of connectedness. I feel I am continuing his work and vision more then I am any other great thinker. I feel very strongly that Einstein gave up most of his freedom of thought, to be part of the University establishment. So, I study all without ever aligning myself with any single way of intellectualizing. I consider all the great thinkers of history speaking of the same thing, but with different perspectives and angles of attack.