hue-man;84019 wrote:Nature has no place in moral judgment. One can argue that the denial of rape, murder, and misogyny is contrary to nature. There is a quote, though I'm not sure of it's origin, that nature is what we were put on this planet to rise above. Many of our moral concepts are contrary to our natural inclinations, because some of our natural inclinations have the tendency to result in bad long term outcomes.
The ego is anything concerning the self. Is it not pleasing (or gratifying) to preserve your own life? I'm not arguing for egoism, the ethical theory which says that one should value only that which serves one's self-interest; selfishness. I'm simply speaking of the role that self-interest plays in moral decision making. It is plainly false to deny the role of self-interest in moral decision making. It's not always bad to consider how an action makes you feel, and just because it serves to gratify your self-interest does not always make it wrong.
so there are two points of contention:
first, what is natural to people. (and animals in general for the most part). and second, what is the ego.
i say murder and rape are not natural, but people have come to use the excuse that it is natural in order to justify it. animals do not kill for revenge, do they? they kill for food or territory, to mate, or to protect their young. this serves their self and their species. i would say animals have no ego, which is why they are incapable of being immoral. i have heard that animals actually rape, but only certain ones which i believe would have no alternatives, or some other reasonable cause to resort to that, some circumstances that are exceptional that would not apply to either other animals or humans.
i believe animals and human beings have a self-the ego is not the self, it is a tool like the intellect. the ego does not serve the self, the ego has become the master of the self, that is part of the malfunction of human beings.
i believe people are going against their true nature when they behave in a manner that is unethical. the reason they do that is because they are not aware of their true nature-they believe their ego is the self and try to please it at all costs.
murder and rape do not serve or exalt the self in any way at all.
misogyny is another issue i think, it is not a crime...what exactly do you think it is? i think it means when a person believes men are more valuable, capable or useful than women. i would call that an opinion, not a matter of ethical behavior. i hope we can leave this out of the discussion though...only will complicate things.