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Greetings, rl
In my papers and books I have spoken of the concept greed, but not of "the love of money." I do agree that it is a "root of evil" in that ethical fallacies - such as The Instrumental Fallacy - are committed in striving for more and more money. It is however not the root of all evil. There are other causes.
It's a good quote you shared with us. I don't know the author. Sorry. Maybe some other reader can help on this.
This is not the most-appropriate Forum for speaking about god, or The Force. Such discussions belong in The Philosophy of Religion Forum. Everything I have said there (or here) about God is tentative, and is subject to revision when better ideas come along.
Thanks for an intelligent and relevant contribution to the advancement of Ethics. You are right that the vice known as greed should receive greater attention by ethicists and moral philosophers. It has resulted in many men and women committing disvalues. Greed is due to moral confusion as to what is really important. It has unbalanced many a life.
Your quote, [This is not the most-appropriate Forum for speaking about god, or The Force. Such discussions belong in The Philosophy of Religion Forum. Everything I have said there (or here) about God is tentative, and is subject to revision when better ideas come along]
I would never try to offend anyone about there religion, so please forgive me for being honest. I personally would think that religion should never be left out of a serious discussion about ethics as it is a major driving force of ethics. In my opinion many people learn morality and immorality from religion.
Yes, that is, and has been, true. However, I think a book like this, by Robert Fuller, is on a theme more appropriate to ethics. It advocates a Digniitarian Scoiety -- that is, a society where we respect each other's dignity -- and suggests some things we can do in a practical way as a way to get there. Check it out: All Rise: Somebodies, Nobodies, and the Politics of Dignity (BK Currents (Hardcover)): Robert W Fuller: Books
It selects one broad failing of human beings currently, namely, rankism. It tells how to combat it when you encounter it without being offensive. Also it tells in its first few sentences how societies the world over now look down on slavery,, rape, cannibalism, incest, racism, and sexism. He wonders: Why not rankism also? By this he means the exercise of power over other based upon one's social rank.
I am placing this work in the Bibliography of my next booklet, of which I have already about 30 pages completed.
I am not sure if this is relevant but I found it to be interesting LifeWeb: The Biology of Globalization :detective:
and also this SpiritualWiki - Evolution:detective:
There is some moral confusion in the air.
I would argue at length for the conclusion that the quest for prestige, the inability to admit a mistake, opportunism, arrogance, bigotry, cruelty, adultery, dishonesty, selfishness, greed and hypocrisy are all due to ignorance about the value of avoiding them as well as ignorance about how to avoid them.
Sometimes I have to wonder if you have read, and studied, my documents..... Start with this one:
When you get through perusing that, let me know. Then you'll be ready for the College Course. Do not mistake my offering as rankism; to my mind you are just as valuable, just as good, as me - or even better. I treasure your opinions and look forward to hearing your impressions once you have read more of my work, my humble scribblings.
On the topic of rankism, of arrogance, see: Robert Fuller: Racism and Rankism: We Won't Eradicate the One Until We Take on the Other
and for definitions of terms, see: Rankism - P2P Foundation
...Maybe for mental endulgence it's good.
Thank you for that.
This is not the first time that you write in the vein, referring to me, "...glaring ignorent of a cutthroat political/buisness world."
Then prove me wrong please, show that you have a long life experience that you can share with me.
Claiming something is just a claim, proving something is the essence. That aside, only focusing on "puerity" and "good" imo is very fatal.
Back in the days, on many foster homes, monestaries ..etc, children was raised with only knowledge of puerity and good thoughts, these children would never know what evil was, and how to deal with it, and avoid it. They were subject to fraud and manipulation, because they just didn't have the means to deal with real life, this is why so many philosophers fail in their idealistic thinking, such as communism which is good on paper, but fails miserably irl.
Most in here should learn difference between idealistic and optimal scenarios.