@Didymos Thomas,
Caroline and Thomas:
The social and cultural elements of Nazism and the era at the time was that of Modernism, Science, Industrialism, Age of the Machine, lots of pseudo-Mysticism and theology, anthropology etc.
Much of this is often omitted in contemporary accounts (depending where, of course) -- however all of these contributed to the rise of the Nazi regime. Likewise, the so-called Allied powers harbored much of the same sentiments: Extreme nationalism, "Civilization" (Imperialism), applied Science (eugenics, forced sterilization, racial segregation (yes.. the US had all that as well)) and thinly veiled Racism.
Nazi Germany and Hitler were just embodiments of the era, and thus to accuse a bigot of being "Like Hitler" is essentially deflecting the blame from the actual culture and centering it on the individual.
Oh surely Hitler was a powerful orator etc. and his personality had much to do with what transpired, however much of what occured, the very orderly and calculated exterminations of the holocaust, the manner in which it was all done, and the ruthless and perhaps even apathetic manner in which all was executed was purely a product of the ways of "Science" and "Culture" which dominated then as much as they dominate now, but only under a far more fragmented form.
Sure, there have been bigots, and a bigot is always a bigot - what they
are bigoted against surely varies, how much they attribute their woes to an enemy varies as well -- but such is not necessarily related to bigotry but rather on the current culture and "Scientific" as well as "Logical" methods of reasoning etc.
The bottom line being that Nazism was more of an embodiment of chaos and pure faith in the creation of Man and the glamor of a People than it was "Pure Evil" or even "Reactionary" (although the latter did also contribute significantly).