pornography and violence.

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Reply Mon 16 Nov, 2009 09:35 am
Aedes wrote:

Nudity and most sex scenes in typical Hollywood movies is / are pretty innocuous. Porn is a different story when it comes to kids' exposure: it completely dissociates sex from relationships, it can arouse children, and most importantly it has been associated with sexual and relationship dysfunction during adulthood.

Porn has been associated with sexual and relationship dysfunction during adulthood? Haha, really? I guess I'm an oddity - it seems to have improved my sex life!

On a serious note, I'd like to see these studies... something about this doesn't seem right to me. I mean, if that's all the child is exposed to, I could see it having a (possibly dramatic) negative influence. But, I highly doubt Jimmy's masturbating to a porno once a week is going to lend to Jimmy being dysfunctional in a relationship.
Reply Mon 16 Nov, 2009 09:44 am
xris;103813 wrote:
I got you, a baby boom, as in the sixties. Are we that basic in our ethical thinking, are we still driven by urges rather than by logic?

---------- Post added 11-16-2009 at 09:47 AM ----------

No sorry but your reply is bailed in straw. Im talking about our own inhibitions, our own allowances, we never censor for children, we censor for our own ethical reasons. If you knew a certain Chanel was showing gratuitous sex, the other violence, what would your feelings be about watching it with a mixed audience? Your actually saying its OK for kids to watch someones get stabbed rather than they watch a sex scene. I think you should be asking yourself more questions.

I censor for my grandchildren on the internet, and on TV. The mixed audience of adults has nothing to do with it. If mixed adults and children, I would not let the children watch extreme violence or explicit sex. I did not say that it is all right for children to watch a stabbing, nor to watch an explicit sex scene. What makes you think I would choose the one or the other? I would censor both. For children, Straw-man.
Reply Mon 16 Nov, 2009 09:52 am
kennethamy;103831 wrote:
I censor for my grandchildren on the internet, and on TV. The mixed audience of adults has nothing to do with it. If mixed adults and children, I would not let the children watch extreme violence or explicit sex. I did not say that it is all right for children to watch a stabbing, nor to watch an explicit sex scene. What makes you think I would choose the one or the other? I would censor both. For children, Straw-man.

What about sex do you feel the need to censor? Besides the dysfuntional relationships during adulthood theory, I don't quite understand what parents shelter children from porn for.

For all you parents who shelter children from sex, what exactly are you censoring? The view of the sexual organs penis and vagina, or is it something more (I'm supposing it is something more)? Why is there this stigma attached to sex (I'm speaking in regards to consentual sex)? It seems so silly to me.
Reply Mon 16 Nov, 2009 09:59 am
Zetherin;103834 wrote:
What about sex do you feel the need to censor? Besides the dysfuntional relationships during adulthood theory, I don't quite understand what parents shelter children from porn for.

For all you parents who shelter children from sex, what exactly are you censoring? The view of the sexual organs penis and vagina, or is it something more (I'm supposing it is something more)? Why is there this stigma attached to sex (I'm speaking in regards to consentual sex)? It seems so silly to me.

From something they are not old enough to understand, and which might very well filghten them as an act of violence. And, as I said, I think there is a value in the innocence of young children. Why should we let them watch explicit sex, anyway?
Reply Mon 16 Nov, 2009 10:11 am
kennethamy;103837 wrote:
From something they are not old enough to understand,

It's very likely that a child is not old enough to understand many things - that's what learning is all about! Then, as the child ages and learns, s/he will understand things!

and which might very well filghten them as an act of violence.

Not familiar with the word "filghten", but if you meant "frighten", how would sex frighten them? Once again, I'm not speaking about sex with violence. Rape, I could see, having a negative influence. The child may begin believing it is ok to compromise others physically and emotionally, which is obviously not what we would want to teach them. But I'm talking about consentual sex.

And, as I said, I think there is a value in the innocence of young children. Why should we let them watch explicit sex, anyway?

So, then, we're keeping the children sheltered to appease our own desires? We want them to be innocent, basically without knowledge of the world, so that we can view them as human beings incapable of wrong-doing. I'm sure having these sheltered children juxtaposed with the malicious violence we often see in the world helps restore some hope in humanity. But, eh, this doesn't sit well with me.
Didymos Thomas
Reply Mon 16 Nov, 2009 10:18 am
Khethil;103826 wrote:
The connection between pornography and violence has always been a spurious one; although some correlations can be made in the extremes, no causal factor's ever panned out.

I don't know about the studies. But I suggest you go around and watch some porn, I will happily provide particular popular sites via PM, and tell me if they do not suggest violence. I think the majority of contemporary video pornography suggests violence.

This generation gets their porn online. And there is some sick stuff out there. I'm no Puritan, as you folks should know, and still I make this assertion. Don't take it lightly; check up.

Zetherin;103830 wrote:
Porn has been associated with sexual and relationship dysfunction during adulthood? Haha, really? I guess I'm an oddity - it seems to have improved my sex life!

It's tough to tell when you have porn before a sex life, you know?

As for Jimmy - what if he is jerking off once, twice, three times a day to porn? What if he begins this at the age of twelve or thirteen, which is not uncommon? That's a great deal of porn to adsorb by the age of eighteen.

I'm a big fan of porn, I think it can be great. But today we are saturated with the stuff, often to the point of becoming desensitized to the material. And the same is true of the violence. Through these video games et al, kids are in part desensitized to violence.

Why is violence acceptable and sexuality taboo? Puritanism. Not religion at large (go check out some Hindu temple art if you doubt me), but the Puritanical streak through modern religion.
Reply Mon 16 Nov, 2009 10:20 am
Zetherin;103841 wrote:
It's very likely that a child is not old enough to understand many things - that's what learning is all about! Then, as the child ages and learns, s/he will understand things!

Not familiar with the word "filghten", but if you meant "frighten", how would sex frighten them? Once again, I'm not speaking about sex with violence. Rape, I could see, having a negative influence. The child may begin believing it is ok to compromise others physically and emotionally, which is obviously not what we would want to teach them. But I'm talking about consentual sex.

So, then, we're keeping the children sheltered to appease our own desires? We want them to be innocent, basically without knowledge of the world, so that we can view them as human beings incapable of wrong-doing. I'm sure having these sheltered children juxtaposed with the malicious violence we often see in the world helps restore some hope in humanity. But, eh, this doesn't sit well with me.

Sex, especially as depicted on TV and in the movies, can seem very violent, especially since it is not portrayed particularly realistically. And, anyway, who the hell wants to have to explain to a four year old what those two (or seven) people are doing? I don't. Kids have no idea what rape is, and could not distinguish it from consensual sex anyway when they watch it. I know your ideology drags you one way, but your brain should drag you the other way.
Reply Mon 16 Nov, 2009 10:46 am
Didymos Thomas wrote:

As for Jimmy - what if he is jerking off once, twice, three times a day to porn? What if he begins this at the age of twelve or thirteen, which is not uncommon? That's a great deal of porn to adsorb by the age of eighteen.

I'm a big fan of porn, I think it can be great. But today we are saturated with the stuff, often to the point of becoming desensitized to the material. And the same is true of the violence. Through these video games et al, kids are in part desensitized to violence.

I can only speak for myself, but I've been exposed to porn and violence (often heavy, I'm a gamer, and avid horror movie fan) for years, and I am not desensitized to violence or sex in the least. I still value consensual, passionate sex with my significant other, and I would freak out upon seeing a dead body. Hell, even copious amounts of blood scares me. I also find most physical violence disgusting and morally wrong, even though I land headshots like no other in FPS's (I pwn n00bs).

I think I could possibly be an exception, but I don't think that the exposure of porn and violence in and of itself is what leads to these children thinking it's ok to be promiscuous or hurt others - there's much to be said about the environment the child is raised in, and the societal and parental guidance concerning right and wrong (among other things). I think we both know it's hard to really study this, as there are so many factors. But, again, I do think it has less to do with the exposure of violence and sex per se and more to do with moral integrity, which, in my opinion, needs to be instilled by loved ones, and can be despite exposure to the aforementioned items. I just don't think seeing a head get blown off is going to change this, shall I say, moral base. At least it didn't for me.
Reply Mon 16 Nov, 2009 10:59 am
Our current internet generation is being raised on pornography and violence, through internet videos, video games, and graphic movies. It's the first time in history that so many people are being affected by such realistic, high-tech forms of media. But, is there any data to suggest that this is leading to increased violence, or relationship problems? I'm not aware of any.

My personal opinion is that these things are harmful, and probably that the gratuitous violence seen everywhere now is worse than nudity or sex acts found in porn. There's something to be said for desensitizing young minds to this type of explicit material, year after year. Adults can watch porn and violence on TV and know that it is fantasy, and perhaps it can even serve as an outlet for people to watch porn, or play a violent video game.

But children, some at different ages from others, are not entirely sure where fantasy ends and reality begins. And when many are being raised by the TV, internet, and video games, as parents are off working towards the American dream, they could come to view these forms of media as accurate, complete, authoritative takes on reality. When the parents aren't around to provide a well-rounded moral base, the media takes their place. This can be seen as years upon years of psychological conditioning of a developing mind, and regardless of whether or not it's even possible to establish a causal link between media exposure and unacceptable behavior, there is a right to be concerned here.
Reply Mon 16 Nov, 2009 11:10 am
xris;103648 wrote:
Is it me or has our moral values been confused by general or Victorian standards. Why is it reasonable to let kids watch the most horrendous violence but not the act of sex? We are allowed sociable to watch someones head get chopped off but not that disgusting act of a man and women actually doing it..urghhh. What is it in our psyche or values that decides certain reprehensible act are for public consumption but less violent acts are scorned at.

Religious. Mostly christians I would say but not exclusively. They love violence, their manual promotes, describes and encourages violence. But for some reason they condone sex and try every attempt to demonize it. I think since a majority of americans are religious their beliefs dictate the cultural restrictions as far as entertainment goes.
Reply Mon 16 Nov, 2009 01:00 pm
This has turned from a comparison to a witch hunt. Im not condoning or condemning porn. Sex in general is classified as porn, the act observed, is porn. Can you imagine seeing the act in any form, on any screen as anything other than porn? You invent the romantic scene , a loving caring relationship , both parties willing and freely entering into this physical act and prepared to share this moment. What would it be classified as? im in no doubt. Now take two street fighters prepared to kick ship out of each other for the cameras, whose going to condemn or classify it as obscene?

I see gratuitous violence displayed on a regular basis in fiction and for real in the news , Ive never seen the equal in sexual matters. This is not about defending children's innocence, its about societies strange anomalies on matters of public decency.
Reply Mon 16 Nov, 2009 01:20 pm
xris;103888 wrote:
This has turned from a comparison to a witch hunt. Im not condoning or condemning porn. Sex in general is classified as porn, the act observed, is porn. Can you imagine seeing the act in any form, on any screen as anything other than porn? You invent the romantic scene , a loving caring relationship , both parties willing and freely entering into this physical act and prepared to share this moment. What would it be classified as? im in no doubt. Now take two street fighters prepared to kick ship out of each other for the cameras, whose going to condemn or classify it as obscene?

I see gratuitous violence displayed on a regular basis in fiction and for real in the news , Ive never seen the equal in sexual matters. This is not about defending children's innocence, its about societies strange anomalies on matters of public decency.

No witch-hunt that I can see. But you seem to be committing the either-or fallacy. Both explicit sex, and gratuitous and gory violence should not be seen by children, and it seems to me that children should be prevented, as far as possible, from seeing either. It is not a matter of choosing the one or the other.
Reply Mon 16 Nov, 2009 01:36 pm
kennethamy;103901 wrote:
No witch-hunt that I can see. But you seem to be committing the either-or fallacy. Both explicit sex, and gratuitous and gory violence should not be seen by children, and it seems to me that children should be prevented, as far as possible, from seeing either. It is not a matter of choosing the one or the other.
Why are you proposing what should happen as opposed to commenting on what happens and why? If you dont want your kids to see either your not in the minority, in fact your expressing the majority view and well done. This is not about your judgement but the observed phenomena we see in society and attempting to see the reasoning why humans act in this manner.
Reply Mon 16 Nov, 2009 01:40 pm
xris;103906 wrote:
Why are you proposing what should happen as opposed to commenting on what happens and why? If you dont want your kids to see either your not in the minority, in fact your expressing the majority view and well done. This is not about your judgement but the observed phenomena we see in society and attempting to see the reasoning why humans act in this manner.

People reason that it is not good for children to watch either explicit sex or severe violence. And, that is why people censor both so as to prevent the children from seeing either.
Reply Mon 16 Nov, 2009 01:46 pm
The point here is to discover why pornography and sex in the media is taboo, yet violence is acceptable and even glorified. They are certainly not both regarded as being equally obscene. Look at the rating systems for films and video games, for example.
Reply Mon 16 Nov, 2009 01:46 pm
kennethamy;103907 wrote:
People reason that it is not good for children to watch either explicit sex or severe violence. And, that is why people censor both so as to prevent the children from seeing either.
Oh my but they dont, thats my point.
Reply Mon 16 Nov, 2009 02:24 pm
xris;103910 wrote:
Oh my but they dont, thats my point.

I don't know who "they" are. I do (for my grandchildren) and so do their parents.
Reply Mon 16 Nov, 2009 02:39 pm
kennethamy;103920 wrote:
I don't know who "they" are. I do (for my grandchildren) and so do their parents.
Are you being obtuse on purpose ? "THEY" are the societies that have these perverted views on violence..get it? Why do you have to prevent them seeing violence and what degree of violence will you allow them to see. Tom and Jerry, punch and Judy, when do you draw the line. Give me an example of violence and sexual involvement you would stop them watching?
Reply Mon 16 Nov, 2009 05:50 pm
Pangloss;103909 wrote:
The point here is to discover why pornography and sex in the media is taboo, yet violence is acceptable and even glorified. They are certainly not both regarded as being equally obscene. Look at the rating systems for films and video games, for example.

Maybe its because you're a lot more likely to end up a deviant than you are a psychopath.
Flamvell Rose
Reply Mon 16 Nov, 2009 06:45 pm
I believe that both sex and violence are two things that should not be exposed to children. At such a tender age, they should be able to enjoy being a child until they reach the age that they will be able to understand how our world works, and have the ability to choose how they feel about it. Then they will have a choice as to whether or not the want to engage in the type of behavior that is around them.

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