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meaning 30 weeks? and 36 (approximately) is considered full term?
what would satisfy me is that a cutoff point for legal purposes would be chosen with enough margin for error that no 'conscious, brain functioning' child would be aborted.
But it is inhumane to those who perpetually have unprotected sex knowing they could have an abortion because the option is available. Unfortunately continuance of the birth within these sort of pregnancies could result in child neglect and further environmental and economical problems. On the other hand it could be a success, but it is difficult to foresee. There are just a number of situations where it is probably best to have the option. But it is not so much that I endorse, I'm more for the prevention of every having to use it.
Serena;81055 wrote:They don't purposely have unprotected sex to have an abortion,
Serena;81055 wrote:the consequences are are generally a result of laziness or irresponsibility.
Serena;81055 wrote:I just wish people would take more responsibility for their actions so the abortion option does not have to be available.
xris;81058 wrote:We must be open to adjusting our views on the term by medical information.
xris;81058 wrote:This does not take away the mothers rights but it should determine her reasoning.
Should a social group propose, or how efficient and wise would it be to give a right to a sperm cell? How could we most naturally, logically, and pragmatically give a right to something which is yet to be, without demonstrating a bias in the first place?
Is an egg cell the same as a developing zygote? Is a zygote the same as a fetus? Is a fetus the same as a child?
The answer to all these questions is: "Of course not !!"
Law and Abortion: The Legal Basis for a Prolife Position
Pro-abortion groups recognize that allowing a person to be convicted of the murder of a fetus indicates that there was a living person who was murdered. If the fetus is a human person, then it should not be allowed to be killed, even at the request of its mother. So how can these laws be applied selectively to unwanted killing of a fetus, while the complicity of the mother in the same killing is completely legal? Here is an excerpt from the California Penal Code Section 187:
SECTION 187-199
- Murder is the unlawful killing of a human being, or a fetus,
with malice aforethought.
- This section shall not apply to any person who commits an act
that results in the death of a fetus if any of the following apply:
- The act complied with the Therapeutic Abortion Act, Article 2
(commencing with Section 123400) of Chapter 2 of Part 2 of Division
106 of the Health and Safety Code.
- The act was committed by a holder of a physician's and surgeon's
certificate, as defined in the Business and Professions Code, in a
case where, to a medical certainty, the result of childbirth would be
death of the mother of the fetus or where her death from childbirth,
although not medically certain, would be substantially certain or
more likely than not.
- The act was solicited, aided, abetted, or consented to by the
mother of the fetus.
- Subdivision (b) shall not be construed to prohibit the
prosecution of any person under any other provision of law.1
What I find really bizarre about the law are the exceptions to it. If someone were to kill or have their own child murdered, complicity on the part of the mother or father would not make it legal. But this is the exact exception made in the law in regard to the fetus. Somehow, the fetus only has value as human life if it is wanted by the mother. If someone kills a fetus that the mother wants to keep, it suddenly becomes a living human being who can be murdered. If a human is only human on the basis of whether or not he is wanted, then this leaves open the option of killing "street people" and handicapped individuals simply because they are "unwanted."
In contrast to what the liberal agenda says, the Bible says that all people have equal worth, since all are created in the image of God.2 Although liberalism teaches that certain "unwanted" humans have less inherent worth than others who are wanted, the Bible states that all human life has worth in God's eyes.3
Roe vs. Wade decided that a fetus is not a person within the meaning of the law. It said nothing about whether the fetus is human.