@Earl phil,
Religion is different from politics?
Both are expressions of morality, ideology, and belief.
Both are concerned with what is the correct way to live.
The difference is that politics is merely a 'modern' form of ideology, whereas religion is an 'ancient' form of ideology.
In the old days we called someone a 'sinner', if they did something we considered wrong. And they had stones thrown at them.
Now they are labelled a 'criminal' and put in a dungeon.
Religion belives in 'God'
Politics believes in 'The Greater Good'
Deconstructed :
The right to life is the same as 'thou shalt not kill'
The right to property is the same as 'thou shalt not steal'
It bothers me, that people cannot see through the illusions that words place around us.
Religion is often maligned for causing divisions amongst people, especially polytheism; but polytheism is actually no different, essentially from democracy.
To get back to the initial question.
Birds of a feather flock together,
I would rather live near people that shared my ideological beliefs.
So yes, people should be congregated (or segregated - same damn thing) according to what they believe, but the problem is that its a logistic nightmare trying to decide who is who, and as a small minority with limited means, I sadly, have to live near neighbours whose evil damned dogs never stop bloody barking.
(please excuse me. I have a stone to throw):BRB: