@Alexander phil,
Alexander wrote:It's not how it can be interpretated, but how it is interpretated that counts.
Right: and sometimes Sharia Law is interpreted in wild and brutal ways, and other times (and far more often) Sharia Law is interpreted in a way that promotes justice.
Alexander wrote: I'm not even saying I like capitalists, just in a country full of them, i.e ours, I don't think Sharia law is compatable.
You are probably right: Sharia Law probably does not condone capitalism. Just out of curiosity, is there anything in particular about Sharia Law that makes you think this?
Alexander wrote:And you make the point that they are the small majority, so it doesn't matter, yes, in their countries they probably don't have it, but none the less the laws that sharia laws express are still unjust to that vast majority that lives there. This is one of my main critisicms of utilitariansm, it doesn't take into account the minorty. With many poor people who are born into Islam families brainwashed into that way of life, it seems like just because it's so big, it can't be wrong. Not the case.
Capitalists are a small
minority in those places.
When you say that Sharia Law is unjust to the vast majority of people who live there (which I take to mean the Muslim world), how do you know? The Muslim world is large and diverse, and one must also consider the topic throughout history. Christians and Jews have been treated well and brutalized under Sharia Law depending on the period. Depending upon the interpretation.
So, while it is true that Sharia Law may be used to promote injustice, it is also true that Sharia Law can be used to promote justice. We cannot broadly condemn Sharia Law, only Sharia Law when misused.
Alexander wrote:This religion may claim to be peaceful, and I don't doubt that It can be, but only if you "submit" (islam's very name) to their code of conduct. Islam has no place anywhere let alone in this country.
Islam is to submit
to God. Whether or not someone else choses to submit to God does not change the fact that Islam teaches peace. Also, it is worth noting that one can be thought of as having submitted to God without being a Muslim: by definition, Christians, Jews and Zoroastrians cannot be infidels because they worship God.
To say that Islam has no place anywhere is a wild claim. Muslims live peacefully in most (probably all) nations of the world. I know Muslims, go to school with them, hang out with a few and not one has ever given me any grief. A good friend of mine is Muslim; peaceful guy, nice fellow.