The pain and sorrow that we experience, as part of the 'human condition' have indeed netted much in terms of art, science, literature, sacrifice, compassion and so on. But no, that's no reason to
not explore ways to improve ourselves.
I'll admit to some measure of conflict on this issue. To illlustrate, let's talk about
extending lifespans.[INDENT] I'd love to live longer. I think I could contribute more doubling my lifespan. My children, my wife and my friends could benefit from my living longer. Benefits from the lessons I've learned - whatever good I've brought to this world - are maximized by my being here longer. As a general rule I think most people would love and relish the chance to extend their lives.
[/INDENT][INDENT] Overpopulation, burgeoning health care systems that can't accommodate so many people, over-extension of resources, sprawling communities that expand far beyond their means as the population and strain on resources grow. The best life isn't necessarily the longest, but the 'best lived'.
Good for Me: I like the fact that, for the most part, I'm a natural-creature. I have two sets of trans-human modifications (sight correction and reproductive sterilization). Both of these modifications have improved the quality of my life immensely. Had I not my sight modified, I'd have surely befallen more accidents - had I not voluntarily had my ability to reproduce modified, I'd have likely fathered more children than my means and desire can accomodate. My immune system has been modified to resist various diseases and I'm very, very grateful for that.
How Good Might it Get?: A third arm would be convenient, as would telepathy and x-ray vision (I also have some ideas for modifying my wife but we'll leave that alone for now). How about a coke dispenser in my right thigh, chameleon skin as a fashion statement or the ability to digest pine needles as a grocery cost-cutting measure. Oh! And while we're at it; how about replacing feet with wheels that can also come with the optional chrome finish?
No, there's nothing wrong with transhuman efforts as a whole but I will say this:
Everything that can be "taken too far" or abused by humans, will be.