Pythagorean,Passer Outre,
Excellent points Pythagorean,"The law, it seems, is organic. That's the shortcoming of law and custom, that it stems from the enduring moralizations of the people.'
I think your'e response may be a conditioned one,no offense intended as who is not.When one comes from a culture who's main myth is the intigrity of the individual,as in self-reliant,self-determineing this idea might seem an offense,perhaps threatening.
I am thinking of Schopenhaur's similtaneous ariseing,where everything arises in relation to everything else,you by your mere existence condition and structure my life and I by merely being structure yours.It is similar to the Hindu net of gems.In this net of gems every gem is reflected in the other gems,an imaginative way of discribing the context we find ourselves in.In Schopenhaur's ariseing you cannot hold others responsiable for your amor fata[fate]and they cannot hold you responsiable,so context pretty much has it way,on a less than conscious level.That would be the myth of the individual but should not culture,the group be held accountable,should not context be conscious.When nature is your context you cannot speak of the consciousness of nature,but,did not society,civilization arise as a response to the indifference of nature.
Still I think it a dangerous thing to control to greatly the human will,in the past it has lead to stignation.Passer Outre's point may be more clear when we consider it in generational terms.With the state of the environment can we afford not to consider a generation yet come,do we not have responsiblity for what will be the future.It would seem that peoples of the world although the context of todays individual does not have consiousness,and so will not own up to its responsiablity.We in our youth have little in the way of consiousness---odd exceptions,and so will not own up to our responsiablity to our future self.So it is left to context in its unconsious way to determine our fate.What I am saying is yes context must become more conscious in a effort to make the individual conscious and thus responsiable and accountable,it is only through the individual consciousness that the context will become conscious,a recipocal play here----no? Yes,the individual needs to feel some responsiablity toward a future self but that will only happen in a conscious context. I am going back to my room now.