Virtue is the individual expression of morality... Societies are moral, and people preach or teach morality, but they live virtuously... But, virtue and morality are the same thing in reality, since no society or social living is possible without both of these concepts as realities...
Aristotle said that the line between vice and virtue divides all of mankind; but this is wrong.... That line divides the individual from his community, and only by crossing that line and accepting the common morality does one become a member of his community... When communities are divided ,the line is between virtue and virtue, since each community survives on its virtue, its essential morale, it unity; then one side is not vice, and the other virtue, but both virtuous, and are divided only in their perception of virtue, as in my virtue is your vice....And Spinosa says this in the foundation of moral life, that life, survival is virtue..."The endeavor after self preservation is the primary and only foundation of virtue..." Since we can only achieve this aim through cooperation, and all communities cooperate, then each is virtuous in its own sight, and from an objective point of view might seem identical, and so better off to cooperate than conflict... We are good, moral, and virtuous because these are the tried and true lessons of survival... Nothing injurious to the person or society is ever thought virtuous... If bravery is a virtue though it often leads to death, it is never without the cause of self preservation, because our selves and self perception are grown out of our communities, which are our families, and nations...So we may, in standing brave preserve the common life which is our life too, made of the same food and genes...