So as to sidestep this battle of definition, I will explain myself thus. I will state my reasoning in this topic because I have read it where it is. In some countries, the School of Anthropology is set by three fields of study while in some others it is set in four. Don't mistake this for definition of say a word like methodology which is a fancy way of saying method, in fact it isn't even fancy it is someone simply implying more to the word than there is in definition.
I once heard a silly little man state that by the year blah blah, no Australian child will be living in poverty. I had been outside the country and had seen poverty in the face so I questioned the sentiment and some one said what about poverty of the mind. I have since had an appreciation for the concept of the abstract in the form of poverty and also slavery in this same sense.
Youth that now bop to hip hop are in no way different than the youth who bopped to rock in the Fifties or Swing for that matter. A new fashion, fad, behaviourism was flavourable then like it is now. The difference that I see is that which applies to what was coined a Generational Gap. Those who did not partake of listening to new forms of music were considered square or to old to dig it. Those of us however who have listened to music through the Sixties on and now find the music intolerable aren't able to be catergorised as being in a "gen gap" because the reason we don't like the sound or the rhythm or the song is after spending so much time listening to pathetic music that was played to us along side the music we liked we have had enough, of pathetic music.
I know that this drifted off topic a little, so I must return to my train and express that the concept of slavery reaching more adults each day. Current Affair shows are part of a long list of programs that inflict ideals and new age standards that simply bend the will of many viewers. Chocolate is bad for you, say top doctors of Diaper Medical Hospital and so for a week chocolate drops in sales. The following week top doctors of Soiled Medical Centre claim otherwise and so the standard is set. This is done across the board. Today some wanka got conned out of thousands of dollars, next week some other moron has to come up front with how cleverly they were conned out of more thousands than the last. Jerry, Oprah, E News, magazines, video clips, fashion houses, Idol shows, reality shows, the list is endless.
By the way we are one race, that is human, we did not evolve from different beings so to be a different body. White men can jump, just watch Australian Rules Football.