Tainted wrote:If you subscribe to the idea that we create our own reality, then how far does our responsibility for that reality stretch?
Hi Tainted. I've read your posts in other threads so I suspect this is a loaded question and your looking for a sucker to take the bait:). I've seen this slippery slope before and it leads to subjective reality Vs objective positivism.
Some say it is imposible to observe an object without it becoming
tainted with subjectivity. Dogmatic empericism is somewhat impractical, but the other swing of the pendulum brings phenominological idealism ,which has its own impracticalities. Some clasically trained forum members like Boagie or Nameless could answer your question better than I, but in response to how much responsibility we have in reality, it all depends on what you bring to the party. By that I mean that the observation and the interpretation of it are never truly pure but always a "best/most reasonable theory. There has been some work done to reduce subjectivity in scientific prosess (Isreal Sheffler's Science and Subjectivity)
It seems far fetched to think that by observing light, for instance, that you are responsible for creating the light, however, your conceptualization of what light is, and the eyes you see it with (among other things) determin what it is to you. How much of your concept is from emperical observation and how much is from what someone told you? What if you where told miss information? While we cant go around falsifying everything for ourselves (impractical), it is good to always question what you know and how you know it, constantly updating your reality and being willing to abandon what your former knowledge.
It is everyones responsability to form a reasonable/practical reality. So we are not really responsible for the thing, but for the interpretation of it.